Репост из: The Heydrich
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In the midst of the busy city, there is a group of agents who are solving a case that is quite complicated for them. This case contains murder without any evidence of homicide on the tool used to kill. There are no footprints on the floor or fingerprints on the knife used. Currently all teams are searching all accessible places for clues to this murder. A few minutes later, all places were searched and couldn't find anything that could be evidence.
OH NO! How do we solve this case? We needs an evidence as soon as possible! Hey you there! Yes you, who are reading this text. Can you help THE HEYDRICH agents by being a part of us in solving this case? No special requirements, just have to understand in solving a case. How? Are you interested? If so, contact one of our assistants to request the equipment you will need to solve a case
OH NO! How do we solve this case? We needs an evidence as soon as possible! Hey you there! Yes you, who are reading this text. Can you help THE HEYDRICH agents by being a part of us in solving this case? No special requirements, just have to understand in solving a case. How? Are you interested? If so, contact one of our assistants to request the equipment you will need to solve a case