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🇰🇪 Kenyan Diocese takes priests to court on charges of violating constitutional rights to religion and assembly

— "More than two dozen Western Kenyan Orthodox priests who chose to join the Alexandrian Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church were summoned to court on charges of serving in churches of the Patriarchate of Alexandria and thereby violating constitutional rights to freedom of religion and assembly.

In an article yesterday, OrthoChristian quoted Metropolitan Leonid of Klin, the Russian Patriarchal Exarch for Africa, stating that 28 priests were summoned to court. However, in documents from the Kakamega High Court then made available to OrthoChristian, 26 priests are named."

🔗 OrthoChristian | Read Full Article

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Infamous hacker group takes aim at Russian Orthodox Church, leaks thousands of emails

— "The infamous hacker group Anonymous announced on the second day of the fratricidal war in Ukraine that it is “officially in cyber war against the Russian government.”

Since then, the group has claimed credit for a number of attacks, including against the Russian Ministry of Defense and Russian state TV channels.

And now Anonymous has the Russian Orthodox Church in its sights."

🔗 OrthoChristian | Read Full Article...

Репост из: European Insider
🇭🇺 PM Viktor Orbán hails his landslide victory in today's Hungarian election, before trolling his opponents and calls them "Soros' worst ever investment."

🌍 @European_Insider | 🕊 Retweet

Hungary votes for Christian values and rejects the globalist, pro-LGBT fake conservative opposition! 🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺💪🏻💪🏻

Репост из: European Insider
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🇭🇺 Hungary's nationalist leader Viktor Orbán announces his victory against the liberal, pro-EU opposition in today's election.

A minor far-right, ultranationalist party, Mi Hazánk, also crossed the 5% electoral threshold and will be represented in parliament.

🌍 @European_Insider | 🕊 Retweet

🇵🇸 Jerusalem Patriarchate condemns Jewish extremist groups’ occupation of Christian-quarter hotel

— “The seizure of the Little Petra Hotel by the radical extremist group Ateret Cohanim is a threat to the continued existence of a Christian Quarter in Jerusalem, and ultimately to peaceful coexistence of the communities of this city,” begins a new statement from the Jerusalem Patriarchate.

Israeli police and Jewish settlers took control Saturday night of part of the hotel, which occupies a strategic position along a main Christian pilgrimage route, reports Middle East Eye."

🔗 OrthoChristian | Read Full Article...

🇺🇦 Ukrainian Church denounces bills aimed at banning it, schismatics support the bills

— "The new bills introduced into the Ukrainian Parliament aimed at shutting down the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church and confiscating its territory are based on lies, and are simply a continuation of the Poroshenko-era policies that helped bring about the terrible times that Ukraine is now experiencing, the Ukrainian Church says.

On the other hand, prominent voices within the schismatic “Orthodox Church of Ukraine” have unsurprisingly expressed support for two separate bills that were submitted and registered by the Verkhovna Rada earlier this month, which take aim at the Ukrainian Church because of its spiritual ties to the Moscow Patriarchate, which is centered in a country that Ukrainian law recognizes as carrying out military aggression against Ukraine."

🔗 OrthoChristian | Read Full Article...

Whether you're Russian or Ukrainian, or from another land afar, I kindly ask that you do not use this war as a justification for your hatred and malice. We're brothers and sisters in Christ, remember that. Don't let this conflict become a barricade to basic decency and love for your fellow Christian — else you're merely partaking in the work of the devil.

I can comprehend that feelings are high right now, and it's understandable — for some more than others. But let us, as the late Fr. Seraphim Rose wisely said, "not criticise or judge other people and regard everyone else as an angel and justify their mistakes and weaknesses". Rather than rush online to engage in virtual fist-fights, let us spend more time praying and asking God for forgiveness.

May the Lord have mercy on us all!

🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Russian Orthodox Church is concerned about the possible adoption of laws prohibiting the UOC

— "The bills aimed at the actual liquidation of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church by banning its activities on the territory of Ukraine, recently submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (No. 7204 and No. 7213), if adopted, will undoubtedly lead to an aggravation of the social crisis, provoke a new round of civil confrontation and will exacerbate the split previously provoked by the anti-canonical actions of the Phanar, Vladimir Legoyda, chairman of the Synodal Department for Church Relations with Society and the Media of the Moscow Patriarchate, wrote on his Telegram channel."

🔗 Raskolam | Read Full Article...

🇺🇦 Met. Arseniy: We must go through the war as Christians, taking up a cross

— "During the war, people behave differently: some pray and help their neighbours, and some get angry and condemn, said the abbot of the Sviatogorsk Lavra.

On March 27, 2022, Metropolitan Arseniy of Sviatogorsk, the abbot of the Holy Dormition Sviatogorsk Lavra, in his sermon on the Holy Cross Week, said how important it is to turn to God with all your heart to get through the war.

"We must experience the present time as Christians, take up the cross and follow Christ. We must grab hold of His Robe and not let go because without God, the man brings himself to a terrible condition. Without God, we become cruel and close the door to eternal life for ourselves," said Metropolitan Arseniy."

🔗 Union of Orthodox Journalists | Read Full Article...

🇺🇦 Ukraine's Rada (Parliament) publishes text of bill to ban Ukrainian Orthodox Church

— "The Verkhovna Rada has published a bill to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

According to the draft Law of Ukraine No. 7204 of March 22, 2022 “On Banning the Moscow Patriarchate on the Territory of Ukraine”, published on the VR website, its author is Oksana Savchuk, a deputy who entered the Rada on the lists of the All-Ukrainian Association “Svoboda” party in district No. 83 (Ivano-Frankivsk).

The bill provides for a ban on the territory of Ukraine of the Moscow Patriarchate – the Russian Orthodox Church and religious organizations that are part of it, "including the Ukrainian Orthodox Church."

🔗 Union of Orthodox Journalists | Read Full Article...

🇵🇸 Double standards of Western regimes indicate lack of humanity, says Jerusalem bishop

— “The double standards that we are witnessing today in our world clearly indicate the aggravation of the moral crisis and the lack of human values ​​among some brutal Western regimes,” says one of the most influential hierarchs of the Jerusalem Patriarchate.

In a radio interview on March 23, His Eminence Archbishop Theodosios (Hannah) of Sebastia spoke about how the world condemns the war in Ukraine while ignoring Palestinian people’s suffering under Israeli occupation, he writes on his Facebook page."

🔗 OrthoChristian | Read Full Article...

Admin's recommended feed on Instagram be like... 🦦🦦

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Active posting to be resumed :)

Репост из: Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives
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🇷🇺☦️💒🆘 — Spokesperson Priest of Simferopol and Crimean diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church says that the Church delivered 6 tons of humanitarian aid to Melitopol

Репост из: Russian American Daily
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Ukrainian militants abducted a priest and some parishioners of a Russian Orthodox Church in the city of Smila, Cherkasy oblast.

The disturbing incident took place in the middle of service and was caught on video. The whereabouts of the people who were forcefully taken remain unknown.

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