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Репост из: Emergency News Channel
Join us for a community SPACE discussion on what on earth is going on underground 👀

This Sunday 8pm, 19th November.

Session will be recorded.



Looking forward to speaking with you on this Space this evening. Don’t forget to tap the request to speak button so I can add you as speakers.

War makes miserable, poverty stricken populations, which increases the chances of successful revolutionary movements (see France, Russia etc).

A process which @thecoastguy has illustrated perfectly with his previous speeches about revolution.

WHY would governments sponsor war if they know full well that the poverty driven ‘revolution’ that results will guarantee their demise?

The theory, of government engineering war, makes ZERO sense.

Think again.


The State of Palestine representative at the UN.

I think I missed the bit where she condemned the slaughter of 1400 Israelis.

It would also be more balanced @robinmonotti to post the speech from the Israeli representative to whom she refers.

Here is the entire UN session on Israel/Palestine from three weeks ago.




Quite a few people on X have now declared themselves alcohol free.

They have shared the many benefits experienced from ditching the drink.

Do you think consumption of alcohol is holding us back healthwise, psychologically etc?

Comment below and repost for more feedback.


Keir Starmer’s wife is Jewish so it is possible his political alignment has been due to his spouse.


People are trying to make ends meet with multiple threads of earning and trying to care for children simultaneously… perhaps a part time service job coupled with online reselling. But again the market for reselling is reducing in line with everything else.

The only thing that will change the status quo is less of the cudgel and more of the carrot. The work market place needs demand, but also needs reviving and expanding in attitude as much as in productivity.

Flexible job sharing, allowing parents to work split shifts so they can be with their children before and after school, incentives for those who are creative with their work/life solutions.

Allow workers to have greater input in to how corporations/businesses can get the best out of them… with mutually beneficial agreements… less corporate dictatorship, more sense of achievement for workers even on the lowest rungs.

There is so much to do but you cannot revive a market with a cudgel alone. 2/2

In the Second World War every single able adult in Britain came together to work to keep the country moving and everyone fed and housed.

Though during that war we had not already been subject to years of poisoning, which is now effectively disabling a large proportion of our adult population.

More transparency needed and…

I think we are in need of a ‘YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU’ campaign. 🤩

I think there is a very big issue here. People’s income is squeezed in real terms by the enormous increased costs of living, and there is no spare cash for anything that isn’t essential - food, fuel, utilities, mortgage, childcare that drains both the parent and the state in order for the parent to work.

The market is effectively paralysed. The main openings to work are in those areas, yet even those are shrinking and coming under pressure. … continued 1/2


Welcome Elon Musk to the land of conspiracy theory and tin foil hats…

I’ll take my leave 😁


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France 24 have interviewed an English doctor (his identity is concealed probably for good reason) about his three months at the Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza in 2021.


Made the suggestion a couple of days ago to use antihistamines on this poor doggie at Niall’s shelter and they are doing it!! Have also suggested today to keep him in quite a bit more with the ‘groggy’ weather. It seems it might be working 😉 (but it’s the stitches xx)


Ooo 3 33 on this post ref BBC 👀

Apple has removed advertisements on X

Friday update recording sound level went a bit wrong this evening. Hope you can hear it ok. Updates on Israel, Iceland, Philippines, Los Angeles, UK politics 🇬🇧 😫 and of course our Sunday evening Space on The Underground Battlefield. Lots of people signed up to take part. Easy format getting to hear about everyone’s experience, knowledge of old tunnels in their area and some working theories on what they are doing with all that soil!

Bethnal Green, man 33 with teeth. Extraction from Bethnal Green. It’s comms and I think from the bad guys to their contacts.

791 0 1 13 19

A declaration of being ‘bored’ is not compatible with wholesale slaughter and war.

Only those who treat death and war as entertainment, could even think of pairing them together.

These are events that need our full attention, or we will fail to learn the lessons they sadly provide.


This is the weirdest comms type story I’ve read in a while.

Knocked his teeth out and passing dentist helped him put them back in??? They were exposed by the root, so may have been pulled. Plier type extraction.

What doesn’t make sense is you can’t just stick teeth back in and hope they stick…

How old? 33 👀

Comms for Bethnal Green?

Thanks Som


Population distribution across Israel, West Bank and Gaza

During the displacement of Jews to Israel from all over the world 1872-1948 the number of Arabs into Ottoman/Mandated Palestine also increased exponentially.

By 1948 there were in the region of 1.3 million Arabs from approx 400,000 including a much small Christian proportion. Jews numbered 650,000 or 1/3.

Today the West Bank has 3 million Palestinians, Gaza approx 2 million, and there are approx 2 million more in Israel. Total approx 7 million.

In Israel there are approximately 7 million Jews who happily share the land with these 2 million Arabs along with 500,000 ‘others’.

The Arab population is spread out across all three Territories.


Neville Roy Singham and his wife have bank rolled Free Palestine marches in the US with approx $20 million.

They have used their pro China and anti-US group The People’s Forum to organise the marches. The NYC based organisation has just 13 employees with $13.6 million assets.

Follow the money.



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