English Writingsツ

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It is an English channel!
Let's express about our feelings in English language. ツ
It's a unique channel!
It is whole English without the Arabic translation .
For your questions and suggestions contact me ?

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Some people make your laugh a little louder, your smile a little brighter and your life a little better. They're the ones worth hanging onto.ツ♡


"ولنا كلمة من أراد علو بنياينه فليتوثق أساسه ،من أعُجب برأيه ضلَّ ،ومن كثر مزاحه اُستخِف به ،ومن كَثرَ كلامه كثرَ خطئه. إن أي نجاح ٍ في هذه الدنيا لابُد له من بذل الأسباب لبلوغ الهدف ،والتوكل عليه لتؤول إلى ركنٍ شديد. واعلم أن سرَّ النجاح ثبوت الهدف و تحديده . والسير دون هدف يضيع الجهد والوقت.. أخيراً كلُ إنسانٍ صانع ذاته لكن لا يعترف بهذه الحقيقة إلا الناجحون الإستثنائيون."🥀

​​It's never too late to live the life and be the person you want to be. There's no time limit. Whatever you really want: Go get it.


Among all the duties you must fulfill today, take a few moments to do something for yourself.


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When you do good to another, that person does better to those they come into contact with. YOU really can make a big difference in the world, today, and every other day.🥀

​​You’ll never get far in life doing what the majority do.

If you want what the minority have, model what the minority do and do it better.

Do it YOUR WAY!✌️🏼

​​We're so stressed out these days, because we believe everything needs to happen right now. We forget that everything happens in perfect timing.


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