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Common mistake in english
🌺🌺 @Englishphilia 🌺🌺
🌿🌿 @affairscloud 🌿🌿

Phrasal Verb of the Day

💢dwell on

If you dwell on something bad or unpleasant, you think about it too much or you talk about it too much.

❕For example:

dwell on sth
🔺If I'm lying awake at night dwelling on a problem or a conflict at work, I take my mind off it by reading a book.

dwell on sth
🔺Wayne was dwelling on the fact that he'd just lost his job, so I changed the topic and we talked about something else instead.

❤️❤️ @Englishphilia ❤️❤️
❤️❤️ @affairscloud ❤️❤️

​​The Couple and Goddess Discord

Once, a Farmer lived with his Wife in a village. They loved each other and never fought.

One day, God threw out Goddess Discord from Heaven. The Goddess, whose name meant argument and quarrel, caused everybody in Heaven to fight and argue. God knew that if she stayed amongst them, all the people in Heaven would keep fighting.

Thus, Goddess Discord came down to live on the Earth. She entered the Farmer’s house and decided to live in it.

Soon, the couple started fighting over small things. They argued every day and the peace of the house was destroyed. One day, the Man decided to throw his Wife out of the house.

Discord was very happy with her success but God could not see the lovely couple separated. He sent the God of Marriage, Hymen, on Earth to settle the matter.

Hymen went to the couple and explained, “Your relationship is getting spoiled because Discord has entered your house. You should not leave space for any arguments and fights in your relationship.”

The couple understood and threw Goddess Discord out of their house. Since then, both of them lived in peace and harmony.

Discord can spoil all relationships.

Read more at @Englishphilia

1. FISHY (ADJECTIVE): (संदेहजनक): dubious 
Synonyms: doubtful, suspicious 
Antonyms: truthful, aboveboard 
Example Sentence: 
I am convinced there is something fishy going on. 
2. KNOTTY (ADJECTIVE): (जटिल): troublesome 
Synonyms: mystifying, perplexing 
Antonyms: easy, facile 
Example Sentence: 
It was his knotty idea. 
3. KNAVE (NOUN): (दुष्ट): fraud 
Synonyms: miscreant, rogue 
Antonyms: hero, angel 
Example Sentence: 
He is known as a notorious knave of this area. 
4. LUDICROUS (ADJECTIVE): (ऊटपटांग): absurd 
Synonyms: bizarre, comical 
Antonyms: normal, ordinary 
Example Sentence: 
It was a ludicrous statement made by her. 
5. KUDOS (NOUN): (प्रशंसा): praise 
Synonyms: esteem, applause 
Antonyms: dishonour, denunciation 
Example Sentence: 
When the football team won the state championship, they were given kudos during a celebratory pep rally. 
6. JOLT (VERB): (ऐंठना): convulse 
Synonyms: disturb, jar 
Antonyms: calm, comfort 
Example Sentence: 
His statement jolted me in my mind. 
7. VERBOSE (ADJECTIVE): (वाचाल): wordy 
Synonyms: gabby, circumlocutory 
Antonyms: concise, succinct 
Example Sentence: 
He is a verbose man. 
8. HERETIC (NOUN): (नास्तिक): schismatic 
Synonyms: apostate, pagan 
Antonyms: believer, follower 
Example Sentence: 
As a relapsed heretic, he was left to the secular arm. 
9. COVERT (ADJECTIVE): (गुप्त): hidden 
Synonyms: undercover, secret 
Antonyms: open, known 
Example Sentence: 
Behind his soft behaviour he has some covert intentions. 
10. DEFILE (VERB): (अपवित्र करना): corrupt 
Synonyms: degrade, desecrate 
Antonyms: honour, praise 
Example Sentence: 
He tried to defile the system.

🌺🌺 @Englishphilia 🌺🌺
🌸🌸 @affairscloud 🌸🌸

Antynonyms asked in cgl tier1 2018
🌺🌺 @englishphilia 🌺🌺
🌸🌸 @affairscloud 🌸🌸

One words asked in cgl tier 1

🌺🌺 @englishphilia 🌺🌺
❤️❤️ @affairscloud ❤️❤️

Synonyms asked in cgl tier 1 2018
🌺🌺 @Englishphilia 🌺🌺
🌸🌸 @affairscloud 🌸🌸

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