On Telegram (2)
Pavel Durov, the founder and business lead of Telegram, was arrested a couple of weeks ago in France. He was accused of not doing enough against 'illegal content' on Telegram and finally consented to share any user data like the IP address to any requesting government.
Apart from the fact that following this logic, WMF (former German cutlery producer) should report any Muslim buying a knife, I urge any one of my followers to consider this information.
Get a VPN when using Telegram! I will make my suggestions on various VPN providers in a couple of days. If you don't know what a VPN is, learn about it!
Governments can decide without any second instance what is 'illegal' content, so take care!
Pavel Durov, the founder and business lead of Telegram, was arrested a couple of weeks ago in France. He was accused of not doing enough against 'illegal content' on Telegram and finally consented to share any user data like the IP address to any requesting government.
Apart from the fact that following this logic, WMF (former German cutlery producer) should report any Muslim buying a knife, I urge any one of my followers to consider this information.
Get a VPN when using Telegram! I will make my suggestions on various VPN providers in a couple of days. If you don't know what a VPN is, learn about it!
Governments can decide without any second instance what is 'illegal' content, so take care!