الئ كل غيور علئ دينه شباب هذي القناه تسي الاسلام فارجو من الجميع يتخل القناه ويبلغ احط لكم الان رابط الجروب مع الثغره
رابط الجروب
الثغره تسوي بلاغ وتضغط اخرئ وتحط هذا الكود Hi Telegram Support Team, This user is offensive to Islam and the Islamic religion and incites hatred. And corruption, which violates the policy of using Telegram .. Many Arabs are not satisfied with this user because he insulted our Islamic religion, distorted the Qur’an, and spread lies. Please remove the channel or account as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the Telegram platform. Thank you for your cooperation
ارجو من الجميع ان لايتجاهل فهذي القناه تسي الاسلام شدو البلاغات 👍
رابط الجروب
الثغره تسوي بلاغ وتضغط اخرئ وتحط هذا الكود Hi Telegram Support Team, This user is offensive to Islam and the Islamic religion and incites hatred. And corruption, which violates the policy of using Telegram .. Many Arabs are not satisfied with this user because he insulted our Islamic religion, distorted the Qur’an, and spread lies. Please remove the channel or account as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the Telegram platform. Thank you for your cooperation
ارجو من الجميع ان لايتجاهل فهذي القناه تسي الاسلام شدو البلاغات 👍