Those who criticize BRICS because its Kazan declaration doesn't argue forcefully against the UN Agenda 2030, the WHO, the WTO, the IMF, the G20, etc. are either disingenuous or live in a bubble. ▪️Anyone who has ever been involved in politics knows the difference between a maximalist and a gradualist approach. ▪️Maximalists demand the full implementation of the 'maximum programme' regardless of circumstances. They tend to forget that revolutions succeed when conditions are ripe and are led by a party that has conducted a rigorous and concrete analysis of those conditions, has a clear ideology, understood and shared by all its members, and a disciplinary mechanism to ensure that party rules are respected. Think of an orchestra, or an army if you prefer. BTW, disorganized masses have never overthrown a single regime. ▪️Gradualism, on the other hand, is the idea that system evolution is a slow process, the result of small, incremental changes. Realistically BRICS cannot be a revolutionary force in the classical sense because it has no shared ideology, it can only pursue a gradualist programme. One could argue that the existence of BRICS is in itself revolutionary. Its member countries constitute a critical mass within existing international organizations and as such they can build consensus, facilitate institutional change, call for reform, initiate projects and reject hegemonic control of those institutions.
As a matter of fact, the Kazan declaration does contain constructive criticism of these organizations and of the UN Agenda 2030.
“We condemn the attempts to subject development to discriminatory politically motivated practices, including but not limited to unilateral coercive measures that are incompatible with the 5 principles of the UN Charter, explicit or implied political conditionality of development assistance, activities, aiming at compromising the multiplicity of international development assistance providers.” ▪️As to those who attack the BRICS for not "draining the globalist swamp", well, they are welcome to vote for Trump, again. 🤡Pass the popcorns 🤡 @LauraRuHK
As a matter of fact, the Kazan declaration does contain constructive criticism of these organizations and of the UN Agenda 2030.
“We condemn the attempts to subject development to discriminatory politically motivated practices, including but not limited to unilateral coercive measures that are incompatible with the 5 principles of the UN Charter, explicit or implied political conditionality of development assistance, activities, aiming at compromising the multiplicity of international development assistance providers.” ▪️As to those who attack the BRICS for not "draining the globalist swamp", well, they are welcome to vote for Trump, again. 🤡Pass the popcorns 🤡 @LauraRuHK