The Ordinary

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Impacting people is not telling them what to do. It's about changing their mindset about life. Building ideologies that provoke greatness! We're here shedding light on the ordinary to make it extra.
Stay conscious

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"I really want to marry the guy who whistled at me from his car" -said no woman ever!

Some say it is flattering to be verbally noticed by a stranger but it doesn't matter what you are wearing or where you are from, catcalling is always offensive. It is still a compliment but it can be degrading. "Commenting on my breats or bottom is not flattery and you know it!"

Catcallers are from different races and ages too,what they all have in common is that they are men who make women feel sexualized and more like a piece of meat than a person. Women feel embarrassed, dehumanized, invaded, disempowered, scared and more. "Don't scream smile more.If I am having a bad day,I think I deserve the freedom to frown.I am not on a poster to look good for you!"

98% of women experience some form of catcalling.We are told to wear more conservative and modest clothing if we don’t want to be called out for our bodies. Women are even starting to post pictures on Instagram of what they were wearing when they were catcalled. Their outfits range from oversized sweaters to hijabis to long dresses. It still didn't stop it!

Flirting is about playfulness, catcalling is intended to demean; flirting assumes equality between the parties, catcalling is about dominance and manipulating the power dynamics; flirting is humanising, catcalling is objectifying; flirting is fun, catcalling is scary; flirting is consensual, catcalling is about power and control; flirting is one-on-one, catcalling is about group dynamics; flirting is respectful and catcalling is just plain fucking rude.

A catcall, an unsolicited dick pic, unwanted attention in a bar or touching me in any way that I have not endorsed is a form of violence. It's clearly abusive.

When we address catcalling, It's not only women's job to stop it. And if you still don't know the difference between flattery and abuse, put yourself through the asshole test. Ask yourself the simple question or make your friend ask himself the next time you try to hit on a lady on the street : "Am I being an asshole?" The answer should be clear. And if it's not, you are.

Please help raise awareness and spread the word.Women are getting raped and beaten with catcalling being the start. Say no more!



Creative imagination is one which the majority of people never use during an entire lifetime. A relatively small number of people use it deliberately and with purpose. For most it usually happens by mere accident, involuntarily and without understanding it's functions.

Creativity is the direct link between the finite mind of a man and infinite intelligence. Also called revelation, inspired idea or hunch. Creativity can be accessed intentionally by stimulating our mind. When stimulated it has the effect of lifting an individual far above the horizon of ordinary thought, and permits him/her to envision distance, scope,abundance and quality of thought not available on the routined lower plane.

The human mind responds to stimuli. through which it may be keyed up to high rates of vibration known as enthusiasm and creativity. The stimuli to which the mind responds most freely are:

1. Sex expression
2. Love
3. A burning desire for fame,power or money
4. Music
5. Friendship
6. A master mind alliance of people for spiritual or temporal advancement.
7. Mutual suffering, experienced by people who are persecuted or depressed.
8. Autosuggestion
9. Fear(destructive)
10. Narcotics and alcohol(destructive)

Most writers and musicians did their best work while under the influence of Narcotics and alcohol(most ended up destroying themselves.) However, in nature there are safer options the 8 that are mentioned above to which men can stimulate their mind to tune into fine and rare thoughts which come from-no man knows where! Don't fight it just stimulate your brain to create freely,easily and without pressure!



It takes some extra effort and energy to really evaluate your thoughts. But overly positive or exaggeratedly negative thoughts will influence how you feel and behave and can interfere with your quest for anything in life.

Examine whether your thoughts are realistic before determining a course of action so you can make the best decisions for yourself. Don't believe everything your mind tells you. Identify beliefs and thoughts that will hold you back, such as those that encourage you to give away your power, waste energy on things you can’t control, dwell on the past, or expect immediate results.

Replace them with more realistic and productive thoughts. Look at what you’re doing well and build on your strengths. Identify areas that need improvement and challenge yourself to get better. Create opportunities for growth but understand that you’ll never be perfect. Try to improve a little each day.Keep fighting! Keep winning!


Practice self care and self love.When you take time to replenish your spirit It allows you to serve others with overflow. You can't serve anyone or anything from an empty vessel. Do things that bring you joy. Do things that make you feel alive. Eat foods that are good for you, get in a good sweat and take time to relax or recover. Take a short trip or experience something new.The most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself. INVEST in that relationship. It's not selfish to do what's best for you. Ask yourself what you need to be happy, to be the best version of yourself and make sure you receive it!
This week queens go slay and kings rule✊🏽 You got it all under control!

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