🟥 Panem Pilled - RTC Enjoyer ///

Гео и язык канала: не указан, Английский
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Гео и язык канала
не указан, Английский
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Репост из: Catholic Arena
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Pope Francis MOCKS representative from ultra Liberal German Church by asking 'Are you Catholic?'


Репост из: National Shitposting Agency

Репост из: Ex Cathedra
Reminder that this guy needs to go to confession and pray the rosary.

Someone who hates the True Church is a kike


Redeemed Zoomer is jewish btw.

"But he put 4 of them back in, so it's totally fine bro"

Репост из: Jay Dyer

Gay dyer is a homo but also lmao

Репост из: St. Peter’s Firewood Emporium

Репост из: The New Columbia Movement
Contrary to what some might claim, Christianity is not a faith of pacifism or inaction.

Christ instructs his disciples to sell their cloaks and buy swords. Modern Christians have the same moral duty to defend their families when evil shows up on their doorstep.

Pray for our enemies, but to sit by and let them trample over us when we didn't have to is a false gospel.

Photo credit: Knights of Columbus Multimedia Archives


Репост из: My Little Joy !
One of my friends is leaving to join for the seminary to become a priest! Please leave encouraging thoughts and prayers here!

Репост из: The Derad Kollective
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BREAKING - Initial reports of shooting and injuries at Apalachee High School in Barrow County, Georgia

Репост из: This Old Haus
Paul Harrell has passed away. Pour one out and say a prayer for a real one.

Requiescat in pace


Репост из: Catholic White Girl Things
September is dedicated to the Seven Sorrows of Mary! 🤍🗡️

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Репост из: National Shitposting Agency

Pavel caved to get rid of the big bad terry natsees and what did it get him?

Rut roh

Репост из: /pol/ 4chan
📝 360 replies

>Leftists are seething because he is "white".
>Pagans are seething because he is just "white".
>Jews are seething because the lie that he was stoned is over
>Protestants are seething because catholics were always right
>Atheists are seething because he is real
>Muslims are seething because it proves the crucifixion

Why does a simple image of Jesus absolutely destroy all antichristians? Is he a mastermind that with just one breath destroys all liars??


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