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Murderer punches his attorney after being sentenced to death for brutal rape
Pena di morte, solo un sogno da noi ... e pure in America negli ultimi anni
In America ti becchi 10-30+ anni, vita o morte, da noi 3-17 anni (sempre che il colpevole sia quello giusto, e non come Lincoln Burrows ...).
Rape Laws Across The Americas Insufficient, Inconsistent, And Poorly Enforced, Leaving Women At Heightened Risk Of Sexual Violence https://perma.cc/M8MR-TVFK
The penalty for raping someone under 14 ✅ and over 18 🙅♂️ in Bolivia is 15-20 years, for adolescents 14-18 years old the penalty for estupro is three-six years 🙅♂️ (2-6 years)
We did just fact check for this:
a) incurrirá en privación de libertad de cinco (5) a quince (15) años. —> this should be for over 18, but we are not sure, or b and d
b) aprovechando de la enfermedad mental, grave perturbación de la conciencia (with mental diseases, etc.) —> de quince (15) a veinte (20) años.
c) acceso carnal (= sexual abuse) con persona de uno u otro sexo menor de catorce años (= quince (15) a veinte (20) años (and not valid for over 12 with 3 years difference ...)
d) estado de inconsciencia, será sancionado con pena de privación de libertad de diez (10) a quince (15) años (what happened in Italy).
e) Mayor de catorce (14) años y menor de dieciocho (18) (= 14-18), será sancionado con privación de libertad de dos (2) a seis (6) años (still not clear if they mean between same age or what ...)
So again you cannot trust what you read, but we are not lawyer, so we are not 100% sure https://perma.cc/4M6Y-DFUJ
What we can see is still huge difference and we think this 2-6 years prison is for under 18, otherwise would be ridiculous. But even if a 17 rape a 15, this should NOT be 6 years!
Part 2 https://t.me/RapeTelegram/199
Pena di morte, solo un sogno da noi ... e pure in America negli ultimi anni
In America ti becchi 10-30+ anni, vita o morte, da noi 3-17 anni (sempre che il colpevole sia quello giusto, e non come Lincoln Burrows ...).
Rape Laws Across The Americas Insufficient, Inconsistent, And Poorly Enforced, Leaving Women At Heightened Risk Of Sexual Violence https://perma.cc/M8MR-TVFK
The penalty for raping someone under 14 ✅ and over 18 🙅♂️ in Bolivia is 15-20 years, for adolescents 14-18 years old the penalty for estupro is three-six years 🙅♂️ (2-6 years)
We did just fact check for this:
a) incurrirá en privación de libertad de cinco (5) a quince (15) años. —> this should be for over 18, but we are not sure, or b and d
b) aprovechando de la enfermedad mental, grave perturbación de la conciencia (with mental diseases, etc.) —> de quince (15) a veinte (20) años.
c) acceso carnal (= sexual abuse) con persona de uno u otro sexo menor de catorce años (= quince (15) a veinte (20) años (and not valid for over 12 with 3 years difference ...)
d) estado de inconsciencia, será sancionado con pena de privación de libertad de diez (10) a quince (15) años (what happened in Italy).
e) Mayor de catorce (14) años y menor de dieciocho (18) (= 14-18), será sancionado con privación de libertad de dos (2) a seis (6) años (still not clear if they mean between same age or what ...)
So again you cannot trust what you read, but we are not lawyer, so we are not 100% sure https://perma.cc/4M6Y-DFUJ
What we can see is still huge difference and we think this 2-6 years prison is for under 18, otherwise would be ridiculous. But even if a 17 rape a 15, this should NOT be 6 years!
Part 2 https://t.me/RapeTelegram/199