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Oh the comments


Apparently Lt General Michael Grift doesn’t know the words to the United States pledge of allegiance

He’s now trending on Twitter

What a dumbass


Latest from AZ

The ballot recount planned to be done by May 14 is now going to have to stop on that date and start again to resume at some point.

This comes just days after Bennett told reporters he was confident workers would wrap up by May 14.

It was over before it began

Gotta admit

This is pretty fucking funny


Kansas Rep. Mark Samsel to the student before assaulting the student:

“You’re about ready to anger me and get the wrath of God. Do you believe me when I tell you that God has been speaking to me?”


Update on Giuliani:

It appears that the feds seized more than 10 cell phones and computers from Giuliani's apartment and law office , according to his lawyer, Bob Costello, who read the search warrant to journos.

According to the warrant, they are seeking to review the phones and computers for communications with more than a dozen people including a high-ranking prosecutor in Ukraine and any communications between U.S. government officials

The craigslist ad Byrnes and Powell have been pushing - It’s from Nov 2019

They lifted the ad from a group site called ‘Stupid Ass Republicans’ on FB

There’s your imminent attack - Nov 2019




The 4/18 dated policies didn’t exist until CTRL + V on 4/24 the day after the court ordered Cyber Ninjas to turn over their procedures.


If you’re complaining about the Byrnes prediction timeline...

...buy a book, it will go faster

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The ones fighting the audit the most appear to be incompetent Ninjas

The D9 reads like CodemonkeyZ drops

Cyber Ninjas attorney now blame the court for releasing the D9 audit security plan Thursday, wants emergency conference.

Interesting move as the Judge on Wednesday said Cyber Ninjas' docs in court file will be made public by noon Thursday, barring action by higher court - that order wasn’t appealed to a higher court


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Did he say...”the last 18 months”?

Giuliani said the last two years in an interview yesterday.

Fascinating stuff.

In other news:

Newsmax has just settled in a defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion’s CEO.

Now former lawmaker Anthony Kern, R-Glendale who was defeated in November is auditing the ballots

Meanwhile Byrne & Co are asking for moar money. The price just went up. It will be your fault if you don’t pay

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