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"The data shows a depopulation event. So whether it was intentional or not, you can argue about it, but the outcome of the pandemic, and particularly the mRNA vaccines, has led to incredible amounts of excess mortality, and young people dying."
Board-certified specialist in pulmonary diseases, internal medicine, and critical care medicine Dr. Pierre Kory describes for Mark Bishofsky how he believes that the evidence does show that the COVID operation (my term) was a "depopulation" effort.
"The data does show a depopulation event. So whether it was intentional or not, you can argue about it. But the outcome of the pandemic and particularly the mRNA vaccines has led to incredible amounts of excess mortality, and young people dying," Kory says. The physician adds:
"Let's say it wasn't willful, and it was just an harmless series of unfortunate decisions. We chose the spike protein as the antigen for the vaccine. It doesn't explain how there's been other vaccines released which caused so much harm, they were shut down and recalled. We had people, groups of awake citizens, studied citizens, groups of physicians all around the world who were screaming from the sidelines, from within weeks of the campaign, about the amount of damage and destruction and death they were seeing related to the vaccine. And yet everything was censored, everything was suppressed, and the machine kept going."
"So whether it was started willfully or not, there's too many actions that they've taken to propel something which has caused immense amount of deaths," Kory adds. "At last check, the average or best predictor of how many people have died in the United States, just in the United States, is somewhere between 500,000 and a million people."
Kory notes, "as of the first nine months of 2023, 158,000 more Americans died than would be predicted, than what is a normal rate. And that's more than all the combat losses since Vietnam including and since."
Furthermore, Kory notes: "There's no discussion [about these deaths]. There's no congressional hearings...no recognition. I mean, life expectancy in the United States in a three-year period went from 79 to 76. Who has to die to have life expectancy go from 79 to 76? It's not old people. It's young people."
Kory goes on to say:
"It's not only that we've had excess mortality, but it's in the young and healthiest people of society. Ed Dowd's done these analyses. I've written extensively on this. The life insurance data doesn't lie. That's one thing you can't corrupt. Right? That's a massive industry that lives on their data. And if you look at their reports, you see these massive explosions in the deaths of some of the youngest and healthiest because it comes out of the group life insurance data, which is generally the Fortune 500 employed, major employers. These are the employed, the working employed...particularly white collar. I mean, that's the healthiest sector of society and always has been. And suddenly, they're dying in the third quarter of 2021 at rates that have never been described outside of wartime, and yet radio silence."
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Board-certified specialist in pulmonary diseases, internal medicine, and critical care medicine Dr. Pierre Kory describes for Mark Bishofsky how he believes that the evidence does show that the COVID operation (my term) was a "depopulation" effort.
"The data does show a depopulation event. So whether it was intentional or not, you can argue about it. But the outcome of the pandemic and particularly the mRNA vaccines has led to incredible amounts of excess mortality, and young people dying," Kory says. The physician adds:
"Let's say it wasn't willful, and it was just an harmless series of unfortunate decisions. We chose the spike protein as the antigen for the vaccine. It doesn't explain how there's been other vaccines released which caused so much harm, they were shut down and recalled. We had people, groups of awake citizens, studied citizens, groups of physicians all around the world who were screaming from the sidelines, from within weeks of the campaign, about the amount of damage and destruction and death they were seeing related to the vaccine. And yet everything was censored, everything was suppressed, and the machine kept going."
"So whether it was started willfully or not, there's too many actions that they've taken to propel something which has caused immense amount of deaths," Kory adds. "At last check, the average or best predictor of how many people have died in the United States, just in the United States, is somewhere between 500,000 and a million people."
Kory notes, "as of the first nine months of 2023, 158,000 more Americans died than would be predicted, than what is a normal rate. And that's more than all the combat losses since Vietnam including and since."
Furthermore, Kory notes: "There's no discussion [about these deaths]. There's no congressional hearings...no recognition. I mean, life expectancy in the United States in a three-year period went from 79 to 76. Who has to die to have life expectancy go from 79 to 76? It's not old people. It's young people."
Kory goes on to say:
"It's not only that we've had excess mortality, but it's in the young and healthiest people of society. Ed Dowd's done these analyses. I've written extensively on this. The life insurance data doesn't lie. That's one thing you can't corrupt. Right? That's a massive industry that lives on their data. And if you look at their reports, you see these massive explosions in the deaths of some of the youngest and healthiest because it comes out of the group life insurance data, which is generally the Fortune 500 employed, major employers. These are the employed, the working employed...particularly white collar. I mean, that's the healthiest sector of society and always has been. And suddenly, they're dying in the third quarter of 2021 at rates that have never been described outside of wartime, and yet radio silence."
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