Sherali Obidov

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Категория: не указана

I am Sherali Obidov, This is my blog about algorithms, data structures, web development and Java in Telegram. You can also find common algorithmic problems with their solutions and implementation of Data Structures in Java.

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I will answer your question as much as I can. Time zone: UTC-7


How difficult is the interviewing process between the Front-end and Back-end developers at Google?


Front End Develope
r and Back End Developer does the same thing here at google as they do in any other company. interview is hard here at google for all positions compared to some other places.

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You can find interesting and more useful information in this blog. Sure!

Google ga qanday qilib kelib qoldim :)


Bu blogimda doimgi mavzulardan tashqariga chiqib, qanday qilib, Google ga software engineer bo'lib, ishga kirganim haqida yozmoqchiman. Interview process haqida o'zbek tilida (bilmagan joylarimni ingliz tilada :) yozib, to'liq ma'lumot berishim, O'zbekistonlik va boshqa o'zbek tili so'zlovchilariga ozgina bo'lsa-da, motivatsiya bo'lishiga umid qilaman. Iloji boricha, detailed yozishga harakat qilaman va agar yana savollaringiz bo'lsa, bemalol yozib qoldirishingiz mumkin. Imkoni boricha, javob berishga

More about -

Hi there. I'm Sherali Obidov, Certified Professional Java Developer with a M.S in Computer Science. I blog about Java, Algorithms and Web Development in Telegram. Check out AlgoDS Github for all source code. My caree is Software Engineer at Google.

Показано 8 последних публикаций.


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