🔝 After the News from Telegram. I have created a backup for my community to be in contact if anything happens.
🪩 Discord Server: https://discord.gg/25mynGYRrz
🌐 Signal Chat: https://signal.group/#CjQKICP6kppIiVpc9RcFpktPj0XVNaXC48mPjfVdnCsIe_A-EhAb3P8YyMgrp8W1irshM-k4
Please join both the groups so we stay connected 🫂
💎 Website URL - https://Numify.co/
(you can always find my handles and groups through URL)
My Permanent Email Address: numifyvalidator@gmail.com
⚠️ (save this post to your notes to stay in touch)
🪩 Discord Server: https://discord.gg/25mynGYRrz
🌐 Signal Chat: https://signal.group/#CjQKICP6kppIiVpc9RcFpktPj0XVNaXC48mPjfVdnCsIe_A-EhAb3P8YyMgrp8W1irshM-k4
Please join both the groups so we stay connected 🫂
💎 Website URL - https://Numify.co/
(you can always find my handles and groups through URL)
My Permanent Email Address: numifyvalidator@gmail.com
⚠️ (save this post to your notes to stay in touch)