Without talking about how Italy is 1000 years behind in quality of the streets compared other countries (since we are 🇨🇭🇮🇹 we know that exactly and lambrenedettoxvi already made tons of videos ...) plus how some Italians (so not all) are simply not able to drive, respecting 0 rules.
Remember that every person drives differently and just thinking "i can drive good" doesn't mean you can really drive good (no matter if elderly or whatever, see paper).
See more in the next posts.
Let we share now some stats about Italy too.
Other facts or infos (no science) about Italy etc. https://perma.cc/XQQ7-38MK https://perma.cc/6MFU-BD4Q https://perma.cc/UP4B-LKPA https://perma.cc/Q8A2-S3PS https://perma.cc/9Z6J-JSL5 https://perma.cc/BQN4-VGAX https://perma.cc/JKN8-Y2GT https://perma.cc/UU6P-CE8L https://perma.cc/J95J-4WP7 https://perma.cc/QY6H-PAEK https://perma.cc/32BS-N5JY https://perma.cc/RZ4Z-NNF7 https://perma.cc/4R4U-2BXU https://perma.cc/87RR-657A https://perma.cc/P9MC-XHZQ https://perma.cc/X4QY-36AR https://perma.cc/H6S6-QAGF https://perma.cc/M2RL-VX59
Remember that every person drives differently and just thinking "i can drive good" doesn't mean you can really drive good (no matter if elderly or whatever, see paper).
See more in the next posts.
Let we share now some stats about Italy too.
Other facts or infos (no science) about Italy etc. https://perma.cc/XQQ7-38MK https://perma.cc/6MFU-BD4Q https://perma.cc/UP4B-LKPA https://perma.cc/Q8A2-S3PS https://perma.cc/9Z6J-JSL5 https://perma.cc/BQN4-VGAX https://perma.cc/JKN8-Y2GT https://perma.cc/UU6P-CE8L https://perma.cc/J95J-4WP7 https://perma.cc/QY6H-PAEK https://perma.cc/32BS-N5JY https://perma.cc/RZ4Z-NNF7 https://perma.cc/4R4U-2BXU https://perma.cc/87RR-657A https://perma.cc/P9MC-XHZQ https://perma.cc/X4QY-36AR https://perma.cc/H6S6-QAGF https://perma.cc/M2RL-VX59