Wäinölä ??

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The abode of #Wäinämöinen • #Finnish & #Karelian #Paganism, #mythology, #folklore, #culture, and #history • #Folkish #Völkisch #Folkright #Pagan #Suomi #Finland #Europe • @FolkishDirectory @ChannelCollection

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A bench for sitting down with the ancestors in the middle of an #IronAge burial ground.

Amazing site, even if visually unimpressive.

Felt good to be there.

I felt welcome.

Nice clearing in the middle surrounded by trees, with dozens of cupstones in the vicinity of this graveyard, and an #IronAge village would have been visible from this site.

#IronAge burial mound, #Turku, Finland.

Photo: @w41n4m01n3n

The river Aura at the site of an #IronAge village, #Turku, Finland.

Photo: @w41n4m01n3n

View from on top of an #IronAge burial mound overlooking another one by the river Aura, #Turku, Finland.

Photo: @w41n4m01n3n

Two hardly noticeable prehistoric sacred cups in the bedrock.

I had to pour water in them for them to be more visible in the photograph — and shortly after, it began raining.

For real.

Photo: @w41n4m01n3n

#Turku, #Finland

The sacred #rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) in bloom.

In the ancient times in Finland, these trees were among the most sacred plants, and always grew in the vicinity of settlements, often in the yards.

Photograhed at the site of an #IronAge village.

#Turku, #Finland.

Photo: @w41n4m01n3n

I have assumed the use of the epithet सनातन ऋषि (sanātana ṛṣi) — #Sanskrit for 'eternal sage', a direct translation of the #Finnish epithet 'tietäjä iänikuinen' of the God, Hero, and Sage #Wäinämöinen, who is mainly known worldwide for his central role in the #Kalevala, the national epic of #Finland.

Finnish #mythology, #folklore, and the Finnish #language have more #IndoEuropean elements than is commonly acknowledged.

I wanted to use a classical language closer to my people than #Latin or #Greek, which still both have a lot in common with Sanskrit, but in a very different way.

Sanskrit is perhaps the most useful ancient living language to study for the passionately curious, as it is related to most #European #languages from the #ProtoIndoEuropean times, as well as due to the #Aryan influence.

This is good:

Репост из: Nordfolc Volklorist
Folkright Friday: Attack on the Runes is RACIST
Chance Ulfhednar and Julian from Midgard Rising join me to discuss Sweden's proposed ban on runes, the subsequent attacks on rune stones, and how this should...

As usual, highly recommended:

Björn Landström 🇫🇮 — Sampo

Depictions of the Sampo differ greatly from one artist's interpretation to another. But the likeness of the firmament is usually a constant.

Репост из: Αρυολογία☀️ (The Indo-Europeans)
The Nebra Sky Disc is attributed to a site near Nebra, Saxony-Anhalt in Germany and dated to c.1600 BC. As such it is the oldest depiction of the cosmos in the world and has been associated with the Bronze Age Unetice Culture. Showing the moon, sun, and several other celestial constellations, the disc soon proved to be not only a simple depiction of the visible sky but a sophisticated tool to anticipate moon phases and calendar planning in the bronze age.

The Seven Sisters, aka the Pleiades is depicted with seven rather than six stars which adds credence to the speculation that the “Seven Sisters” was so named as a 7th star had once been more visible from earth in antiquity.

The mythical #Sampo mentioned in the #Kalevala was said to have a cover fashioned in the likeness of the firmament... 🤔 ⬇️

Репост из: FolkishDirectory
FolkRight and Folkish Heathen Channels:


Be sure to check out these if #Folkish is your thing:

Albert Edelfelt 🇫🇮 (b. 1854 d. 1905) — Larin Paraske (b. 1833 d. 1904), 1893.

The number of Kalevalan style poetic verses sung by this Karelian woman and recorded for posterity is a staggering 32,676

And she is just one of many keepers of ancient knowledge in recent history.

The rich oral tradition of Northern Europe (Karelia & Finland in particular) never died out. It preserved an entire Pagan world.

Akseli Gallén-Kallela 🇫🇮 — Aino triptych, 1889.

The swastika is sacred to Finns, and is an age-old symbol of good luck.

It is also on our present-day Air Force and President's flags, and is our national emblem.

Antero Vipunen is a giant who appears in Finnish mythology and Kalevalan Folk poetry.

He is buried underground and possesses very valuable spells and knowledge.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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