Репост из: Corona Chan News 🦠
The legendary channel Hate Lab (only 8k subs) was so effective that the full weight of international jewry came down. They threatened Durov with removing his Telegram app (500 million users) from the Google Play and Apple iStores 📵
HATE is the most powerful weapon on the planet. The occupation government in Washington DC uses hate and cannot stand facing any competition. You can hate Whites but they will try to crush your Counter Hate with every method they can 🔥
What's funny is that Durov doesn't understand is that all these angry Trumpsters who had an election stolen from them will doom Telegram. They are bold enough to SIEGE the US Capitol and now ZOG knows he will capitulate to their demands again. Never give an inch. International jewry is in a panic and flexing its hard power total control ✡️
HATE is the most powerful weapon on the planet. The occupation government in Washington DC uses hate and cannot stand facing any competition. You can hate Whites but they will try to crush your Counter Hate with every method they can 🔥
What's funny is that Durov doesn't understand is that all these angry Trumpsters who had an election stolen from them will doom Telegram. They are bold enough to SIEGE the US Capitol and now ZOG knows he will capitulate to their demands again. Never give an inch. International jewry is in a panic and flexing its hard power total control ✡️