ㅤ✍️ Wherever they are and wherever someone occupies an area; there are some rules that must be followed. As in a country whose inhabitants are very friendly. Yang Ready, with his alertness, is able to make other people feel comfortable while in this country ℹ️.
‹ 𔓕 ː Before taking an order and avoiding hit and run, it is mandatory to fill out the form shown and make payment via Dana or Qris.
ㅤ──── • Sebelum melakukan pemesanan dan menghindari hit and run, wajib mengisi formulir yang tertera dan melakukan pembayaran melalui Dana, Gopay atau Qris.
‹ 𔓕 ː With friendly and responsible service, ready to serve customers well and politely.
ㅤ──── • Dengan pelayanan yang ramah dan bertanggung jawab, siap melayani pelanggan dengan baik dan sopan.
‹ 𔓕 ː Receiving revisions 3 times (for custom) within 24 hours after the buyer receives his order. If you want something extra, there is an additional fee according to what is purchased.
ㅤ──── • Menerima revisi sebanyak 3 kali (untuk yang custom) dalam waktu 24 jam setelah pembeli menerima pesanannya. Jika menginginkan sesuatu yang ekstra, ada biaya tambahan sesuai dengan yang dibeli.
‹ 𔓕 ː We forbid copying atau resell what is already ours, if you violate it, you will be subject to a penalty of IDR 100,000 - IDR 250,000
ㅤ──── • Kami melarang plagiat atau menjual ulang apa yang sudah menjadi hak milik kami, jika melanggar akan dikenakan denda Rp 100.000 - Rp 250.000 (untuk resell wajib ijin.)
‹ 𔓕 ː Testimonials uploaded without engineering or self-made, purely honest experiments from buyers.
ㅤ──── • Testimonial diupload tanpa rekayasa atau buatan sendiri, murni review jujur dari pembeli.
‹ 𔓕 ː We will not compete with anyone, or bring down any party. We work hard to meet established standards.
ㅤ──── • Kami tidak akan bersaing dengan siapapun, atau menjatuhkan pihak manapun. Kami bekerja keras untuk memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan.