Репост из: Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida )
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Israel, instead of caring just about "Hamas is ISIS", let you focus on other more important things too! Since you are not innocent at all!
No matter what, such people at the festival are death and you cannot change that anymore, even by destroying Palestine. Obviously the problem is even Hamas.
The number of civilians killed has reached nearly 7,000, while more than 11,000 have been injured, since Russia invaded Ukraine almost a year ago. Ukraine is also counting the toll on its wildlife.
For starters, at least 700 Black Sea dolphins are known to have died, victims of acoustic trauma caused by sonar equipment on Russian submarines, and mines.
The government, aided by monitoring teams from the UN Environment Programme, has so far documented more than 2,200 cases of environmental damage caused by Russia, including pollution of soil, air and water by military equipment, toxic chemicals and emissions from fires https://perma.cc/4HSE-ZVKR
Орієнтовна кількість тварин, які загинули внаслідок агресії РФ у постраждалих районах становить 42 тис. голів овець і кіз, 92 тис. голів великої рогатої худоби, 258 тис. свиней та понад 5,700 тис. голів птиці https://perma.cc/34HJ-EMYB
The estimated number of animals that died as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation in the affected areas is 42,000 sheep and goats, 92,000 cattle, 258,000 pigs and more than 5,700,000 poultry.
Animal victims https://perma.cc/7MLQ-GPTW
Cool that in both 🇵🇸🇮🇱 daily stats there is no animals report, just missiles, people and mostly talking about kids, babies or women remember OUR PLANET IS NOT JUST MADE BY HUMANS! and the earth can even live pretty good and better without humans too, which are the source nr 1 for the destruction ...
How wars influence our planet:
No matter what, such people at the festival are death and you cannot change that anymore, even by destroying Palestine. Obviously the problem is even Hamas.
The number of civilians killed has reached nearly 7,000, while more than 11,000 have been injured, since Russia invaded Ukraine almost a year ago. Ukraine is also counting the toll on its wildlife.
For starters, at least 700 Black Sea dolphins are known to have died, victims of acoustic trauma caused by sonar equipment on Russian submarines, and mines.
The government, aided by monitoring teams from the UN Environment Programme, has so far documented more than 2,200 cases of environmental damage caused by Russia, including pollution of soil, air and water by military equipment, toxic chemicals and emissions from fires https://perma.cc/4HSE-ZVKR
Орієнтовна кількість тварин, які загинули внаслідок агресії РФ у постраждалих районах становить 42 тис. голів овець і кіз, 92 тис. голів великої рогатої худоби, 258 тис. свиней та понад 5,700 тис. голів птиці https://perma.cc/34HJ-EMYB
The estimated number of animals that died as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation in the affected areas is 42,000 sheep and goats, 92,000 cattle, 258,000 pigs and more than 5,700,000 poultry.
Animal victims https://perma.cc/7MLQ-GPTW
Cool that in both 🇵🇸🇮🇱 daily stats there is no animals report, just missiles, people and mostly talking about kids, babies or women remember OUR PLANET IS NOT JUST MADE BY HUMANS! and the earth can even live pretty good and better without humans too, which are the source nr 1 for the destruction ...
How wars influence our planet: