Aethir Announcements

Гео и язык канала: не указан, Английский
Категория: Криптовалюты

Building Scalable Decentralised Cloud Infrastructure (DCI) for Gaming & AI. We make complex, latency dependent cloud infra more accessible.
Official discussion group @aethir_cloud
Second group @aethir_cloud2

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не указан, Английский
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More Airdrops for Node Holders!

Six new ecosystem partners across the AI and Gaming industries will be airdropping to Aethir Node holders 🎉

This is just the beginning. We have more alpha coming for you 🚀

🔗 Read our latest blog to discover who they are and the benefits from these fantastic communities 👇👇

📣 #OKX Türkiye x Aethir($ATH) AMA 📣

💰Join our AMA to learn more about Aethir!

🗣 Guest: Mark Rydon Co-founder
🗓 Time: 14 June 2024 20.00
📌 Location: OKX Türkiye Telegram Group (

💰 Total Reward: 500 $USDT

🎁Ask questions for a chance to win more prizes throughout the day!

There are multiple reports of users with badges that didn't get the clouddrop, this was part of the Sybil Prevention that we internally did.

As part of our efforts to ensure that ATH is sufficiently decentralized and in the right hands, this was done.

Excerpt: "Sybil-Prevention
Various anti-Sybil parameters, including cluster analysis, were applied during the reward allocation process to ensure that the system was not manipulated. Wallets funded from the same source, addresses with similar activity, and addresses without transactions on major EVM chains were considered Sybils and eliminated.

Our airdrop design team at Absinthe further helped identify additional Sybil addresses through Absinthe Protect, which took a look at clustering to increase the fairness of the airdrop. This novel technology leverages advanced data analytics and machine learning techniques to enhance the integrity of the airdrop distribution."

Link to blog:

Claims and Staking are Live

The time you've waited for is here.

Claims are live on:

1) Go to
2) Click Enter
3) Enter Wallet Address and Click Enter, and Next
4) Accept Terms and Conditions, Click Next
5) Congrats, you can now claim your ATH

Staking is live on:
1) Connect wallet
2) Choose the track you want to stake on: Gaming or AI
3) Click Explore
4) Choose duration of stake and amount to stake
5) Click Stake
Congrats! You've now staked your ATH.

Read the blog here:

UPDATE: Claim webpage URL to be released at later 9:30 AM UTC.

We know Aethirians are eagerly anticipating and want to make sure everyone manages to claim without any issues. We will be sure to update, please make sure you subscribe to announcements!

Appreciate the patience everyone!

❗️Reminder for Checker node sale launchpads partners / Web3 communities / KOL groups as well as end users/buyers.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. The airdrop to nodes is to be claimed by the original buyer wallet (it is not sent directly). Airdrop is on the Ethereum ETH mainnet.
The claim page will be announced by Aethir on 12 June, 9 AM UTC when claims go live.
2. Only the original buyer's wallet will be eligible for claiming the airdrop. Launchpads and group buyers such as Impossible Finance, ARC, Seedify, Swissborg, and all other group buyers need to use the original buyer wallet to claim the full airdrop amount for ALL their end users/buyers.
🔹 This method was used to ensure fairness, as the airdrop amount is based on the estimated node purchase price. Aethir does not have the information on end-user pricing if purchased through launchpads or groups.
3. After launchpads/group buyers claim the airdrop, they need to distribute the ATH tokens to all the end users/buyers. Participants from launchpads partners / web3 communities / KOL groups should contact their POCs to receive their airdrop.
4. Those buyers who bought directly from Aethir at and not through a launchpad or group will only need to use the original buy wallet claim.

Claim webpage URL to be released at 9 AM UTC today.

Key info 👇🏻
ATH Ethereum Mainnet: To be used for CEX deposit, airdrop claims, and staking will be on Ethereum.
ETH Token Contract: 0xbe0Ed4138121EcFC5c0E56B40517da27E6c5226B

👉 Claims period lasts for 60 days!
👉 For those who used an Arbitrum multi-sig wallet, see for instructions

Live Listing Countdown!

Join us today for an AMA where we do a "Live Listing Countdown for ATH" with Mario Nawfal and our Co-founder Mark Rydon ⏰

There will be some alpha 👀, so you don't want to miss this AMA.

Time 🕜: 9:30 am UTC
Link 🔗:

ATH Contract Details

Key details 👇🏻

🔹 Ethereum ETH Mainnet: ATH is minted on ETH Mainet, airdrop claims and staking will be on Ethereum.
NOTE: ALL EXCHANGES will use the Ethereum Mainnet contract.
ETH CA: 0xbe0Ed4138121EcFC5c0E56B40517da27E6c5226B

🔹 Arbitrum ARB: Checker nodes NFTs and checker operations/rewards are on Arbitrum. Other compute providers' operations and rewards are also on Arbitrum.
(Arbitrum) Interchain Contract: 0xc87B37a581ec3257B734886d9d3a581F5A9d056c

Get ready 🚀🚀

Hey Aethirians!!

📢 New Listing

ATH gets listed on Biconomy

#Biconomy will list and open the ATH/USDT trading pair at 10:00am on June 12th, 2024 (UTC)🔥

🗓️Open deposit and withdrawal time: 10:00 on June 12th, 2024 (UTC)

Read more details here 👇👇

Will you be joining our Launch Day Spaces?

We will be hosting a special AMA with our co-founder, Mark Rydon, tomorrow at 10:30 AM UTC, right after the ATH listing.

Be there on launch day to catch all the ATH alpha firsthand! 🚀

Aethirians 📢📢

🚨 #NewListing ALERT!

🚀 ATH will be listing on BTSE

⏰ Aethir launches on BTSE tomorrow!

Stay tuned for more announcements.

Aethir is proud to partner with Sequence to empower Web3 game developers with decentralized GPU cloud infrastructure and plug-and-play tools for integrating Web3.

With our globally distributed fleet of 40,000+ top-of-the-line GPUs, along with Sequence's gaming-grade platform that streamlines the integration of essential Web3 blockchain features, we are committed to powering the gaming industry. 🎮

Read more about the partnership here:

📣 ATH is coming soon to the Bybit

Listing time: Jun 12, 2024, 10 AM UTC. Deposits and withdrawals will be available via the ETH Network.

Stay tuned for a grand prize pool!

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