Smart Build, Alcor’s Fifth Partner
The value of the shares of many companies changes every day due to various corporate events, economic and political news. Event-driven hedge funds reap high returns from this at an acceptable level of risk for their clients. Our new partner, Smart Build, is exactly such a hedge fund! 👏
In January 2022, the Alcor platform entered into an agreement with it, which resulted in the Smart Profit Team program. It provides an opportunity to earn on the growth of the SMT token rate, which rises by 0.5-2% daily, and receive additional profit for the sale of licenses in the affiliate structure.
To take advantage of the opportunities provided by the program, you need to complete 3 steps:
1️⃣ Read more about Smart Profit Team;
2️⃣ Register on or log in to your account;
3️⃣ Top up your account and purchase a license.
After following the instructions above, you can use all the benefits of the SMT token and the Smart Build hedge fund, growing your capital with Smart Profit Team!
The value of the shares of many companies changes every day due to various corporate events, economic and political news. Event-driven hedge funds reap high returns from this at an acceptable level of risk for their clients. Our new partner, Smart Build, is exactly such a hedge fund! 👏
In January 2022, the Alcor platform entered into an agreement with it, which resulted in the Smart Profit Team program. It provides an opportunity to earn on the growth of the SMT token rate, which rises by 0.5-2% daily, and receive additional profit for the sale of licenses in the affiliate structure.
To take advantage of the opportunities provided by the program, you need to complete 3 steps:
1️⃣ Read more about Smart Profit Team;
2️⃣ Register on or log in to your account;
3️⃣ Top up your account and purchase a license.
After following the instructions above, you can use all the benefits of the SMT token and the Smart Build hedge fund, growing your capital with Smart Profit Team!