Auschwitz Truth

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Yad Vashem photos show daily life in the German concentration camps during WWII was comfortable. Inmates worked. They had leisure activities and entertainment. Allied bombing of rail and road lines starved the camps in 1945 & led to typhus deaths.

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In the fall of 1944, everyone had a sense the war was ending and Germany would lose. Auschwitz had experienced a bomb attack and 20 inmates were killed. Thies writes:

The Kok-Sagis plant that Thies cultivated on the Auschwitz farm, as a replacement for rubber during the war.

Thies, on the "selection" of inmates, and on the abuse of an inmate.

Thies solves the mystery of the Kanada barracks. The Red Cross inspected the camp. The Birkenau "Death Camp."

Excerpts from Thies Christopherson's booklet. Photo of Thies, center, on the grounds of Auschwitz, as shown in a photo previously.

Thies Christopherson wrote of his personal experiences in Auschwitz during the war and was reviled for it, at one point being attacked with acid.

Robert Faurisson:

They blew up Ernst Zundel's home. "Nice" Canadians, eh?

Doug Christie is the lawyer who defenced Ernst Zundel. Zundel was probably the most hated and mocked man in Canada at the time. Doug Christie was a brave man. He died in 2013, aged just 66.

Robert Faurisson, a retired university professor, was beaten almost to death for his revisionist views. As Wikipedia put it: "In September 1989, Faurisson was beaten by unknown assailants claiming to be "The Sons of the Memory of the Jews", an organization about which nothing has been discovered either before or since the incident. Faurisson had been walking his dog in a park in Vichy and was kicked and punched by three young men, breaking his jaw." The injuries were a bit more serious than that for the then-60-year-old, in fact, nearly fatal. Faurisson was attacked 10 times between November 1978 and May 1993. He died in 2019 after a lecture during which he was viciously heckled by an aggressive audience. He went home afterwards and passed away, age 89.

The "Revisionists," all jailed in Germany & elsewhere for daring to speak or sing the truth about the "holocaust." Sylvia Stolz, the lawyer who defended Alfred Schaefer; she was jailed for simply defending him. Alfred Schaefer spoke out prominently about the lies & is still in prison. Ernst Zundel spent his adult life fighting the "holocaust" lie in Canada after moving there from Germany; he was jailed in Germany and in Canada. Alison Chabloz sang satirical songs about the "holocaust;" she was jailed in England for breaching her probation by continuing to be on social media. Monika Schaefer, Alfred's sister, sang a song apologizing to her mother for blaming her for ignoring the "holocaust;" she was jailed in Germany on a visit to that country. Ursula Haverbeck is still in jail after already serving a sentence and then being hauled back to jail weeks after her release, for another year's sentence, without parole. Ursula is 92. The letter she wrote, which was the cause of her imprisonment, is shown above.

Looking at Dresden, and knowing that this happened in every German city, does anyone think the Blitz compares to this? This is hateful and wanton destruction of civilian life.

These are not my photos. They are not Yad Vashem's photos, although that is where I got most of them. These photos belong to you. They belong to humanity because they are historical and true. Copy them, share them widely. They target me but what they fear is the truth spreading. Be what they fear.

I have only banned 1 or 2 people from this channel, for repeatedly posting links after I asked them not to. So if you find you are no longer subscribed, please come back. I believe this channel is being suppressed.

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