Life in Afghanistan

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Репост из: ﷽ Islamic Quotes ™
Saddiq Muhajir:
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

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📌 @IslamicQuotess

Репост из: ﷽ Islamic Quotes ™
The Prophet ﷺ said;

There will come a time when the nations gather against you, just as people gather around a feast.

*[Sunan Abu Dawud 2/210]*

📌 @IslamicQuotess

Kabul's Intercontinental Hotel under Attack


🔴 @beautifulafghan 🔴

کندهار ولایت کې داسلامي امارت له معسکر څخه فارغ شوي مجاهدین
Mujahidin Graduates from the Military Camp of Islamic Emirate in Kandahar


🔴 @beautifulafghan 🔴

Do you remember Muhammad Rahim, the smiling Afghan who turned his Guantanamo cell into a madrasah?

He is in urgent need of medical treatment, and you can do something about it.

Ten years ago, Muhammad Rahim was kidnapped by the CIA.

For the following 18 months, he was starved, beaten and used for human experimentations.

Eventually, he was sent to that horrific prison island… Guantanamo.

More suffering, anguish, more loneliness...

To Muhammad though, this also meant more time to spend in worship.

He found solace in the speech of the Creator… and memorised the entire Quran.

He was inspired by the words uttered by the best of mankind… and memorised over 1,000 hadiths.

His cell was a punishment, he made it a hub of knowledge.

The US have presented no evidence of any crime. They said they had no intention to try him but refuse to release him...

The torture he suffered has affected his body and left him with many health conditions.

But he’s not receiving the medical attention he needs!

So his military lawyer and CAGE submitted a petition to the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights.

The Commission requested that the US provide Muhammad Rahim adequate medical treatment as recommended by specialists to protect his life and physical integrity.

What Muhammad needs you to do now is to tweet at US Southern Command which is in charge of providing this medical treatment and demand he's given adequate healthcare.

Feel free to use the template message below:

"Muhammad Rahim has been tortured long enough. I demand that @southcomwatch allow him access to his basic right of medical care.

You Don’t have to spend a penny, it just take 30 seconds of your time to show that we care.

The Prophet ﷺ said: "The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body."

🔴 @beautifulafghan 🔴

فاریاب ولایت کې داسلامي امارت له معسکر څخه فارغ شوي مجاهدین
.................................................................. Mujahidin Graduates from the Military Camp of Islamic Emirate in Faryab


🔴 @beautifulafghan 🔴

داستادیاسر تقبله الله

Ustad yasir Wardak...may Allah accept him

🔴 @beautifulafghan 🔴

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