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‘10.2 Hong Kong Is Not China March’ Confirmed!

BirmSWHK is going to hold a march, followed by a rally on 2nd October, the day after Chinese National Day. The objectives of the event are, first, to differentiate Hong Kong from China and reveal the atrocities committed by the CCP. Details of the march are as follows: 

Date: 2nd October 2021 (Sat)
Time: 1:30pm to 5pm
Assembly Place: Mailbox, B11RS (under Suffolk St. Queensway)
Location of Rally: Waterstones, B47SL

Come join us at Birmingham Mailbox on the 2nd of October. We are looking forward to seeing you. 

10.2 遊行申請成功!


日期:2021年10月2號 (星期六)
時間:下午1:30 pm 至 下午5 pm
遊行集合地點:Mailbox, B11RS (under Suffolk St. Queensway)
遊行結束地點(集會開始地點): Waterstones, B47SL


!預告!10.2 遊行集會申請中!

Birmingham Stands with HK 已經向市議會提交活動預案申請10月2號的遊行及集會,正在等待回覆。待市議會確定活動細節,我們會儘快再通知大家,希望大家可以預留時間抽空出席。

We are planning to hold a march and rally on the 2nd of October. Details of the event will annonced asap as long as the city council approves our proposal. We hope to see you on the day.

從2021年6月至今,我們先後發起了兩次眾籌,合共目標籌得約1100鎊,衆籌所得款項全數用於過去/籌備中的活動。在此先感激各位同路人的熱心捐款,沒有你們金錢上的支持並身體力行地參與,我們不可能舉辦這數月來的各種活動。考慮到大家對我們的開支仍有疑問,我們盼望亦能藉此機會向大家說明 BSWHK的開支方針。明白大家期望捐款能使每個活動都「搞得好好睇睇」,但比起「搞到個畫面好靚」,我們更希望將大家的捐款用得其所,即達到我們的核心目標:有效地向本地人傳達訊息。因此,以往的考量中,如何將畫面「搞到好靚」一直非此組織的重點。同時考慮到許多大型紙皮文宣並不適合重複使用,我們不希望浪費太多資源將其美化。至於音響方面,自612集會留意到大家要求添置新音響的訴求後,我們的確立即添置了一套新的音響。之所以大家於接下來的活動中看不見新的音響,是出自於對活動本身的考量,譬如我們認為在行為藝術中使用音響作用不大。明白大家對音響的使用有期望落差,我們亦為此而抱歉。唯必須要提醒的是伯明翰市中心地理位置有其先天性的局限,如其他地方有安全性問題,或需要租用等。而一直使用的場地亦有不少檔口播放錄音,音樂等,此問題並非單靠添置更多更好的音響就能解決,希望大家能夠諒解。





Birmingham Stands with Hong Kong 的出現源自於一群2019年經歷半年抗爭後被逼回到英國讀書的學生,希望人在異地仍然可以為香港出一分力,而非只能望著一班手足「打生打死」而成立的。兩年來,我們舉辦過大大小小的活動,集會街站簽名遊行。及後疫情來襲,此組織亦暫時停止運作。到今年初移民潮後看到一群香港人自發於Birmingham市中心舉辦集會,內心感到非常感動,我們自覺作為曾經舉辦集會的過來人有責任再次站出來,因此才出現及後大家看到的活動。


BSWHK 由創立至今一直是個地區性的壓力團體。我們希望透過各種行動去爭取伯明翰本地人對香港的支持,藉著累積足夠民意去影響上層政治對香港的政治決策,務求以一種由下而上的方式去爭取改變英國社會對香港的認識和立場。亦因如此,我們於眾多活動當中一直強調如何傳達訊息給本地人,甚或乎令他們開始關心香港的現況,而這亦是我們每一次活動的核心目標。



Birmingham SWHK Crowdfunding Updates

Within a week of launching our Sep2021 Crowdfunding, we have achieved our target and have received a total of 5 donations. We sincerely thank all who have supported us via this crowdfunding project.

Detailed financial reports can be viewed via at any time.

Please stay tuned for further updates and future events details!

Birmingham SWHK 九月份衆籌進展



Birmingham SWHK 2021 九月份眾籌計畫進程報告

首先感謝各位慷慨捐獻,在開放九月份眾籌的短短兩日內我們已收到 £237.38,但距離目標仍差 £62.62磅。請各位有興趣支持請與 @savehk21 或 signal +447858996950 聯絡🙏🏻

Birmingham SWHK Sep2021 Crowdfunding Progress Update

Firstly, we would like to express our appreciation of the recent donations that reached to £237.38 in total. However, we are still £62.62 from our crowdfunding target, please spread the words and contact @savehk21 or signal +447858996950







報名方法好簡單,可以直接透過社交媒體聯絡我哋,或者telegram search @BrumHK!

Birmingham Stands with Hong Kong 2021年9月上旬財務報告及九月份眾籌計劃

盈餘:-£58.64 (截至2021年9月2日)

同時我們現正為日後將舉行之活動開放第二次衆籌活動,以供購買及更新物質和列印文宣等用途。衆籌所得款項將會用於過去/籌備中(但不限於)的活動, 例如
8月31日 – 街頭行爲藝術 (過去活動)
10月上旬 – 相片展覽

本次衆籌目標為 £300。在達成本次的籌款目標後,我們將停止收取款項。我們亦會嚴格管理籌款流程及提供財務週報以確保款項的透明度。剩餘之款項將用作文宣印刷及捐出支援手足。

若閣下對於支持衆籌計劃感興趣,請以Telegram @savehk21 或Signal +447858996950 與我們聯絡。

Birmingham Stands with Hong Kong Sep 2021 Financial update & September Crowdfunding Proposal

1️⃣Financial update
Remaining balance: £-58.64 (till 2nd Sep 2021)
For detailed financial report please visit

2️⃣September Crowdfunding Proposal
Additionally, we will be launching the second crowdfunding project of 2021 for the future events of standing in solidarity with Hong Kong. Those events will be including (but not limited to):
31st Aug – Performance art in Birmingham city centre (past event)
Early October - Photo Exhibition

The crowdfunding target for this occasion will be £300. We will not be receiving further funds from this crowdfunding project when the target is achieved. The crowdfunding process will be managed critically, and financial transparency will be ensured with the updates of weekly financial reports at minimum. Any unused funds will be contributed to future leaflet printings and donated for supporting Hong Kongers.

If you are interested in supporting us financially, please contact us directly via either Telegram @savehk21 or Signal +447858996950.

[Financial Update]

Date: 19/08/2021
Time: 17:35
Total expenditure: £689.81
Balance remaining: £75.04

Click link below to view more detailed financial report

我哋而家喺JD 出面擺緊街站,歡迎大家過嚟

[Financial Update]

Date: 19/07/2021
Time: 21:15
Total expenditure: £214.41
Balance remaining: £550.44

Click link below to view more detailed financial report

Performance Art: The Untold Truth of 7.21

Date (Time): 21st July (5-6pm) & 24th July (3-4pm)
Location: Birmingham High Street (Outside Waterstones)

A street stall will be held to mark the two years since the 2019 Yuen Long attack (721 incident) in Hong Kong. The aim of the street stall is to unfold the truth of the 7.21 incident in Hong Kong, disseminate the situation of Hong Kong and the atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist Party to the British community.

Come find us on High Street this coming Wednesday to learn more about what really happened in Hong Kong and how the Chinese Communist Party suppresses people's freedom and violates fundamental human rights.

Birmingham Stands with Hong Kong Financial Updates

After a week of launching the Crowdfunding Project, we have received a total of 20 donations and have achieved 100% of our target. We sincerely thank all who have supported us via this crowdfunding project.

As mentioned in the project proposal, we will ensure full transparency of the use of the funds. Financial reports can be viewed via at any time, and weekly updates (if any) will be available via our telegram channel

Please stay tuned for further updates and future events details!



Thank you for attending the ‘Community Litter-picking’ event today. Around 100 people participated in the event, both locations combined (Birmingham City Centre and Solihull). The aim of the event is to provide an opportunity for Hong Kongers to contribute to British society. We would like to express our gratitude to Birmingham City Council for all the support.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our next event.

非常感激各位Birmingham的手足參與是次「和你執」的社區清潔活動,是次活動超過100人參加,並執拾垃圾數十袋。透過是次活動,我們希望能夠提供一個讓港人融入英國社區的機會,而慶幸整個過程中亦得到英國本地人的讚許和認同。最後,非常感激Birmingham City Council為是次活動提供的協助。


Pop-up Memorial Service: In Memory of Leung Kin-fai

On 8th July, Birmingham Stands with Hong Kong will hold a pop-up memorial service to mourn for Leung Kin-fai, who sacrificed himself against the notorious Hong Kong Police Force on 1st July. Details are as follows:

Date: 8th July (Thursday)
Time: 18:00-18:30
Venue:Cathedral Square, B3 2QB

The service aims to provide a platform for Hong Kongers to discharge grief and lamentation and pay tribute to Leung. Candles will be provided for the participants.

Thank you.

****Due to the number of participants of Solihull exceeded our expectations, Birmingham city centre will be the only option at this moment. Sorry for your inconvenience.
**** 由於索利哈爾的參加人數超出了我們的預期,伯明翰市中心將是目前唯一的選擇。 很抱歉給你帶來不便。

As the UK government has opened up a new lifeboat route for HongKongers with British National Overseas (BNO) passport, thousands of Hong Kongers immigrated to the UK to escape from the detoriating political environment in HK. Birmingham SWHK is organising a Community Litter-picking activity to allow new arriving HongKongers show their gratittude and contribute to the UK community. It will be held in two places at the same time for more people to join. Details are as follows:

Date: 10th July 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 14:00-16:00
a. Solihull: Shirley Park
b. Birmingham City Centre: High Street outside Primark

Birmingham SWHK will provide tools for participants for the activity. However, as resources are limited, we hope participents can bring their own tools, including litter bags, disposable gloves and litter grabber. If you are interested in this event, sign up in the google form ( We will send you a confirmation email after receiving your response. Sorry for the inconvenience caused and we look forward to seeing you!

因香港政治環境每況愈下,數以千計持BNO的香港人透過救生艇計畫移民到英國展開新生活。有見及此,Birmingham SWHK將於7月10日舉辦「和你執」活動,希望在英港人能藉此為本地社區略盡綿力並表達謝意。此活動將於兩個地方同時進行,詳情於下:

日期:2021年7月10日 (星期六)
時間: 下午2點-4點
a. 索利哈爾: Shirley Park (雪莉公園)
b. 伯明翰市中心: High street outside Primark

Birm SWHK將會為參加者提供工具,但由於資源有限,請參加者盡量自備工具,如即棄手套,垃圾袋及垃圾撿拾器。有意參加者請填寫網上報名表( ,收到申請後我們將發送確定出席的電郵。不便之處,敬請原諒。

July 2021 Crowdfunding Project - Progress Update

As of 5th July 2021 18:00 (GMT+1), we have raised £460 within 72 hours of launching the crowdfunding project. We would like to send a big thank you to those of you who had backed this project and showed your support towards Hong Kongers.

However, we are still 37% away from our target. So, please spread the word more and let your friends and family know if they would like to support us financially✊🏻 Please contact us on either Telegram @savehk21 or Signal +447858996950 for further info.

P.S. All progress of fundraising can be viewed via the same google sheet link as the expenditure budget

P.P.S. A detailed financial report will be posted after first expenditure is made, please stay tuned for more updates.

2021年7月眾籌計畫 - 進程報告

截至 2021 年 7 月 5 日 18:00 (GMT+1),我們在啟動眾籌項目後的 72 小時內已籌集了 460 英鎊。 我們向那些支持這個項目及香港人表示衷心的感謝。

然而,我們距離本次衆籌的目標還差 37%。 所以,請各位繼續努力。若閣下對於支持本次衆籌計劃感興趣,請以Telegram @savehk21 或Signal +447858996950 與我們聯絡。✊🏻

P.s. 所有籌款進度可透過以下鍊結查看

P.P.S. 詳細的財務報告將會在第一項支出後發佈,敬請關注。

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