The Clickbait Exposé Channel

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Exposing conspiracy disinformation and the clickbait connoisseurs who perpetuate it.

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"Dinar Chronicles" is a commonly sourced disinformation blog for NESARA/QFS propaganda.

Judy Byington is another source often cited for NESARA disinfo as well.

Two sources totally not-credible and full of wrong.

Here is a link to an article from today claiming the Quantum Financial System has been activated. (we've been hearing that for years....)

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SantaSurfing promoted an article from a website called "BestNewsHere" - this website is god awfully full of bullshit.

And this article she posted claiming Putin told Trump "I can help you drain Washington D.C." is sourced from Real Raw News, a disinformation blog.

Welcome to the channel, friends!

There is far too much garbage in the truth movement and too many clowns who promote clickbait disinformation. On this page, we will shine a light on that.

Let's have some fun!

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