Telegram Contests

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Категория: Telegram

Here we announce Telegram coding contests in Android Java, iOS Swift, JS, C/C++. Discussion: @contests

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🏆 Telegram Contest for JavaScript Developers, Round 2: Results

We were pleased to see both participants from Round 1 and those who joined the Telegram Contests for the very first time! The Contest Task, which covered multiple areas of the app (implementing a new feature, adding another feature that heavily relies on the existing codebase, and fixing an obscure issue), proved to be particularly challenging for the contestants, with no one completing all three tasks.

Most contestants focused on the Media Editor, so the judges adjusted their evaluation accordingly. After many hours of testing, we are pleased to confirm that Hip Hyena secured 🥇1st PLACE by delivering the best media editor among all the submissions. This time, given the input each contestant contributed, we will reward everyone who implemented at least one contest task, even if their implementation wasn't perfect.

Meet the winners!

1st PLACE – $10,000
🥇Hip Hyena

2nd PLACE – $3,000
🥈Tall Lynx
🥈Nice Elk

3rd PLACE – $2,000
🥉Tactful Whale
🥉Huge Cobra
🥉Large Moth
🥉Stone Parrot

4th PLACE – $500

🎖Gifted Meerkat
🎖Sleek Shrimp
🎖Groovy Crab
🎖Smart Lion
🎖Hardy Turkey
🎖Holy Beetle
🎖Tidy Hawk, penalties:
– rebuilding penalty (–$100)
🎖Hairy Antelope, penalties:
– rebuilding penalty (–$100)
🎖Large Butterfly, penalties:
– rebuilding penalty (–$100)
🎖Nice Hare, penalties:
– rebuilding penalty (–$100)
🎖Small Dragon, penalties:
– rebuilding penalty (–$100)
🎖Sacred Gorilla, penalties:
– rebuilding penalty (–$100)
🎖Swift Flamingo, penalties:
– rebuilding penalty (–$100)
🎖Fancy Squid, penalties:
– rebuilding penalty (–$100)

P.S. Have a great week and stay tuned for more Telegram Contests in the coming month!

@ContestBot is now ready to accept submissions for the Telegram JavaScript Contest.

Build the application, then prepare:
- A ZIP-archive with the following structure:
-> public - folder with the build.
-> src - folder with the app's source code.
-> readme.txt – a text file that briefly describes the approach used for each task.
- A link to the commit on a public GitHub repository, forked from the Telegram Web K repository.

Your repository may stay private until the deadline.

🏆 Telegram Contest for JavaScript Developers, Round 2

Prize fund: $30,000
Deadline: 23:59 on July 28th (Dubai time)
Who can participate: Everyone is welcome to participate, even if they didn't take part in the previous round
Results: August 18th, 2024

Telegram is hosting a contest for JavaScript developers to implement two new features into Telegram Web and address the scrolling issue on Chrome for Android.

The Task:

1. Implement Media Editor and Multiple Accounts into Telegram Web K based on the provided mockups.
2. Web K is currently experiencing scrolling issues when used on Chrome for Android. This issue causes noticeable lagging on devices with 120 FPS displays, particularly when scrolling through any entities containing numerous media elements – essentially, any channel with larger message bubbles and multiple media items. (You must investigate the issue, provide a detailed explanation of it, and implement a fix that will address the issue.)

Evaluation Criteria and Requirements:

– No third-party UI frameworks are allowed.
– The submission must be consistent with the existing Web K codebase.
– Your implementation must work flawlessly on desktop Chrome (across Linux, macOS, Windows) and Safari on macOS. Proper support for other browsers and mobile environments (Android, iOS) will be considered a bonus.

❗️Your app must precisely follow the provided design mockups. Entries that fail to do so will be severely penalized.

Further Clarifications:

Media Editor
– You must not use any libraries or components (i.e., from other existing media editors) for any parts of the Media Editor. All the features presented in the mockups must be built from scratch.
– It is acceptable to send static media when an animated sticker is added to a photo, though a proper conversion into a GIF would be considered a bonus.

Multiple Accounts
The app must properly handle the databases from several accounts, support simultaneous notifications, and oversee all possible edge cases, including forced logout from another device. For reference, you may check official Telegram apps.

Contestants will be able to submit their entries to @ContestBot at a later date. We will further clarify the submission instructions closer to the deadline.

P.S. Winners may be offered a chance to explore further opportunities with Telegram.

🏆 Design Competition 2024: Results

This was by far the most thrilling design contest we've ever held! We would like to express our sincerest gratitude and admiration to each and every contestant – both those who took their very first steps in the challenging world of design and the noble design veterans who set aside some time from their projects to contribute to a better Telegram of tomorrow. ✨

You all are amazing, and we thank you a lot for your fantastic designs! 💙

Now, let us shed some light on the judging process in this competition. The Telegram Design Team joined forces with the Telegram Contest Department, and each judge spent dozens of hours watching and sorting through all the submissions. Once the judges completed their solo evaluations and highlighted the most promising discoveries, the whole jury met to watch and discuss together all the submissions that were not instantly discarded. Aside from the initially mentioned core criteria, another important consideration was, "How close is this video to the ones we make for Telegram Blog?" 🏅

Thanks to this multistage checking, verification, and discussions, the members of the jury were unanimous in the prize distribution.

In order to justly apprise all the notable and solid works, we've decided to increase the prize fund by another $24,000, totaling $54,000.

📱 🤝 📱 With this competition, we are also introducing a new Contest Rewards 🤑by giving out your prizes in USD₮ on TON – to ensure smooth and instant payouts.

Without further a do, please meet the winners!

1st PLACE – $5,000
🥇Dandy MammothView Channel
🥇Eager DuckView Channel
🥇Stout PonyView Channel
🥇Swift SharkView Channel

2nd PLACE – $2,000
🥈Ace BatView Channel
🥈Desert BassView Channel
🥈Nimble SheepView Channel
🥈Bold CrabView Channel
🥈Small MantisView Channel
🥈Large TurtleView Channel
🥈Stylish GeckoView Channel
🥈Tactful BeeView Channel
🥈Quiet SquirrelView Channel
🥈Funky JaguarView Channel

3rd PLACE – $1,000
🥉Shiny MothView Channel
🥉Gifted PumaView Channel
🥉Daring GeckoView Channel
🥉Funky CamelView Channel
🥉Sweet RaccoonView Channel
🥉Humble CockroachView Channel
🥉Mighty UnicornView Channel
🥉Regal SlothView Channel
🥉Earnest FlyView Channel
🥉Nice PonyView Channel
🥉Cute LemurView Channel
🥉Fluffy RamView Channel
🥉Humble RamView Channel
🥉Dreamy LeopardView Channel

Congratulations to the winners and a happy Monday to you all!

Репост из: Telegram Designers
Design Competition 2024: Submissions

We received 185 submissions for the Design Competition.

Everyone is welcome to view the submissions while the Telegram judges conduct their own checks.

Репост из: Telegram Designers
⚠️ We’ve noticed that many participants uploaded their videos as files to their contest channels.

This is not the right way – the channel should host your demos sent as VIDEOS. ✔️

Make sure to address this before the deadline. (For reference, see @TelegramTips.)

Репост из: Telegram Designers
ContestBot is now ready to accept submissions for the Design Competition.

Start the bot, choose “Design Competition 2024”, answer the bot’s questions, then send:
- A link to either private or public channel that serves as a catalog where all your videos are uploaded. Provide a table of contents, pin it.
- An archive containing all your videos in their original resolution. Optionally, you may also include source files for your project (e.g., .aep files).

Note: Your channel may stay private until the deadline. Make sure you assign it a username after the deadline.

Репост из: Telegram Designers
🏆 Design Competition 2024

Prize fund: Up to $30,000
Deadline: 23:59 Dubai time @ April 27th, 2024
Who can participate: Everyone

Telegram announces a competition for UI designers. The top prize is $5,000, and the winner may get a chance to join the Telegram Design team.

The Task is to create 3 short demo videos for 3 different features in the same manner as the demonstrations from the Telegram Blog.

Each video should offer a brief overview of a feature that currently does not exist in official Telegram apps.

You are welcome to use any ideas (e.g., in-app payments or a feed for channels). Be creative, but don't get carried away by things like a major app redesign.

It is mandatory to cover both iOS and Android – at least 1 video out of 3 must be made for a different platform. Entries featuring all videos for both platforms are likely to get higher chances in the final scoring, provided that they fulfill the evaluation criteria.

Evaluation Criteria:
While evaluating submissions, the judges may apply the following criteria to determine the winners:

Clarity – the general audience must have a clear understanding of how the feature you are displaying works.

Consistency – the video should be looped, with smooth transitions between screens and all elements should be consistent and balanced.

Completeness – you must present a finalized flow for your feature. Your video should show an entry point from existing Telegram interfaces, a brief overview of the feature's main components and a transition back to the entry point.

We will publish instructions how to submit your work closer to the deadline.

🏆 Telegram Сontest for JS Developers, Round 1: Results

After many hours of testing and watching hundreds of Live Streams, we are now ready to announce the results. From a total of 19 submissions, 13 contestants qualified for prizes – basically every developer who implemented at least one part of the overall task.

Despite a challenging Contest Task and a tight deadline, we were happy to see many solid apps. Despite nobody achieving perfect Live Streams (each implementation we tested requires a significant amount of further polishing), we would like to give a special thanks to🥇Fit Whale, who was able to find a great minimalist solution for Task II that will be merged with Web K soon.🥈Dreamy Crow presented a similar approach that is slightly less optimal, but still notable.

Meet the winners!

1st PLACE – $6,000
🥇Fit Whale

2nd PLACE – $3,000
🥈Dreamy Crow
🥈Hip Hyena
🥈Large Moth
🥈Sweet Yak
🥈Giant Turkey

3rd PLACE – $1,500
🥉Fierce Frog
🥉Large Butterfly
🥉Tidy Hawk
🥉Dreamy Crab
🥉Holy Beetle
🥉Tidy Walrus penalties:
– rebuilding penalty (–$250)
🥉Huge Cobra penalties:
– Task II plagiarism (–$500)

P.S. Have a great Monday and stay tuned for Round 2 in the coming weeks!

Telegram JavaScript Contest: Submissions

Build the application, then prepare:
- A ZIP-archive with the following structure:
-> public - folder with the build.
-> src - folder with the app's source code.
-> readme.txt – a text file that briefly describes the approach used for each task, listing all external dependencies and libraries you've added. If the bonus task has been completed, a detailed explanation must be included for it.
- A link to the commit on a public GitHub repository, forked from the Telegram Web K repository. Your repository may stay private until the deadline.

Note: To build the application you have to make some changes in vite module: replace the file node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-R0I0XnyH.js with the one attached below.

Note 2: @ContestBot will begin accepting submissions within the next 12 hours. To submit, you'll need to start the bot, select “JS Contest R1”, answer the bot’s questions, and then send your archive along with the commit link.

Good luck!

🏆 Telegram Contest for JavaScript Developers, Round 1

Prize fund: $30,000
Deadline: 23:59 on January 21st (Dubai time)
Who can participate: Everyone
Results: February 4th, 2024

Telegram is hosting a contest for JavaScript developers to implement Live Streaming into Telegram Web and enhance video playback capabilities in specific browsers.

The Task:
1. Implement Live Streaming into Telegram Web K based on the provided mockups.
2. Introduce a workaround for a Chromium bug that prevents certain videos from being played.

For an in-depth task description, further details and a bonus task, please refer to this document 👈

Evaluation Criteria and Requirements:
– No third-party UI frameworks are allowed.
– The submission must be consistent with the existing Web K codebase.
– Your implementation must work flawlessly on desktop Chrome (across Linux, macOS, Windows) and Safari on macOS. Proper support for other browsers and mobile environments (Android, iOS) will be considered a bonus.

❗️Your app must precisely follow the provided design mockups. Entries that fail to do so will be severely penalized.

Live Streaming
– The most preferable outcome can be achieved by re-using parts of dash.js. However, you may opt for your own approach, provided that the final result is not inferior to the implementation present in Telegram's native apps.

Contestants will be able to submit their entries to @ContestBot at a later date. We will further clarify the submission instructions closer to the deadline.

P.S. Winners may be offered a chance to explore further opportunities with Telegram.

🏆 Telegram Сontest for JS Developers, Round 1

We've decided to expand the scope of this contest, so the updated Task and additional details will be posted in this channel on January 10th, 2024. Ensure you have notifications enabled so you don't miss it.

Wishing you all the best in the New Year! 🚗

🏆 Telegram UI Competition for Android: Results

So far, this has been one of the most fun competitions we've held – at least from the judges' perspective. After many hours of testing and thousands of vaporized messages, we are now ready to announce the results – from a total of 30 submissions, 17 contestants qualified for prizes.

While many entries followed our advice and used the Spoiler Effect as a reference, some chose a slightly different approach – like 🥇Fierce Frog who implemented the task with compute shaders. And on that note, here are the winners!

1st PLACE – $3,000
🥇Fierce Frog
🥇Dreamy Crab

2nd PLACE – $2,000
🥈Slim Gull
🥈Fit Falcon
🥈Cool Bee
🥈Merry Gopher
🥈Tactful Hare penalties:
– default package ID (–$500)
🥈Huge Fox penalties:
– default package ID (–$500)
🥈Dandy Owl penalties:
– default API ID (–$500)

3rd PLACE – $1,000
🥉Fancy Bat
🥉Fierce Bull
🥉Dreamy Chicken
🥉Strict Pigeon
🥉Fairy Zebra
🥉Subtle Piranha
🥉Desert Falcon penalties:
– default package ID (–$500)
🥉Young Beetle penalties:
– default API ID (–$500)

All contestants can find personalized feedback from the judges in the comment section of their submission.

Congratulations to the winners and a happy weekend to all!

ContestBot is now ready to accept submissions for the Android UI Competition.

Start the bot, choose “UI Competition for Android”, answer the bot’s questions, then send:

- An .apk file. Make sure your code is using your own package id.
- A link to the commit on a public GitHub repository, forked from the Telegram-Android repository.

Note: Your repository may stay private until the deadline. Entries that are not using their own package id will be penalized.

🏆 Telegram ML Competition, Round 2: Results

We are pleased to announce that 14 of the 62 total contestants in this round have been nominated for prize places. Sunny Whale, who boasts the best total score, has been promoted to 🥇1st PLACE and secured a $15,000 prize!

Our final evaluation was conducted with the following dataset and we've included a scoring breakdown beneath each submission.

The Final Score for each submission was calculated based on their Code Language Detection and Overall Detection rates in proportion to the Average Time per sample.

Submissions that scored less than 90 points for their Overall Detection Rate were discarded, and given a Final Score of zero.

Meet the winners!

1st PLACE – $15,000
🥇Sunny Whale

2nd PLACE – $4,500
🥈Gifted Piranha
🥈Small Goose

3rd PLACE – $2,000
🥉Swift Skunk
🥉Hip Hyena
🥉Daring Lynx
🥉Merry Pony
🥉Brave Beetle

4th PLACE – $1000
🎖️Sturdy Kangaroo
🎖️Dandy Ram
🎖️Sharp Sloth
🎖️Merry Goat
🎖️Nimble Seal
🎖️Dashing Gull, penalties:
– preloading penalty (–$100)

Congratulations, and thank you to all who participated!

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Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram

🏆 Telegram UI Competition for Android

Prize fund
: Up to $30,000
Deadline: 23:59 on December 7th (Dubai time)
Who can participate: Everyone
Results: December 15th, 2023

Telegram is hosting a competition for Android developers to implement a new animation for deleting messages.

The Task:
Implement a new animation flow for deleting messages into Telegram for Android similar to the provided demo (the demo is a recording of a beta feature on Telegram for iOS). Your solution should support all entity types for both incoming and outgoing messages across all types of chats and channels.

The most preferable outcome is likely to be achieved by taking the component as a reference. However, you may opt for your own approach as long as no third-party UI frameworks are used.

Evaluation Criteria:
The primary criteria for determining a winner will be the app's stability and performance while replicating the provided demo as closely as possible (the animation in general, also the particle flow and dispersion).

Your app must be free of significant flaws (including crashes, visual glitches, noticeable element blinking, layout errors, and more).

During the evaluation stage, submissions will be tested on a broad range of devices and Android versions (Android 7-13) not limited to the mentioned below:
• Samsung Galaxy (A12, A32, A51, S22 Ultra)
• Xiaomi Redmi (9, 9A, Note 8 Pro, Note 11)
• POCO (X3 Pro)
• Oppo (A54).

Telegram for Android utilizes performance classification with SharedConfig.getDevicePerformanceClass() – each device is defined as HIGH, AVERAGE or LOW. In order for your app to qualify for a reward, your solution must work flawlessly on HIGH and AVERAGE devices. Introducing a proper implementation for LOW devices will be considered a bonus.

Contestants will be able to submit their entries to @ContestBot later. We will further clarify the submission instructions closer to the deadline.

P.S. Winners may be offered a chance to explore further cooperation opportunities with Telegram.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.