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Kalo aku jual akun lpm laku ga yh?
  •   Yh laku
  •   Gk, gausah jual
7 голосов

Oiyaa, happy chinese new year yaa!🏮🧧

Mw edit testi pi mager

Klus dulu ya

Репост из: 𝖯𝘦𝗍𝗂𝗍𝖾 𝖯𝘦𝗍𝖺ls: OPEN
[ To all my respected BA mutuals and anyone who come across this short message, would you mind helping me to forward this to your channel and spread around? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance ]

Rise and shine, sweet creatures. It's Friday and Petite Petals happily announces that beside current types of wording: bio; pinned message; promotional message; and upchar caption; we also accept customize wording from now on! Accordingly, we would like to say that we are always open unless stated otherwise. Kindly read the T&C first before you send the form to @yeined to make your order. Have a great day, we would love to see you in our floristry ♡

Репост из: Le Relations
[Dear my BA mutuals and for anyone who see this, help me to spread this announcement please? Thanks a lot!]

Bidding our sincere greetings to all beautiful souls out there who stumble upon this message. Hello, angels! How was your day? Our best wishes guard your upcoming days. On this enjoyable day, we, Le Relations and Noblesse Palace arrived to your presence to proudly announce that we're going to do a collaboration in the framework of Valentine's Day.

On this lovely special event—which also the very first collaboration in the name of rental agencies in Telegram—we honorably present to you.


As for the rewards, special interesting prizes that will not disappoint your love-longing hearts. So, please look forward to it.

@LaaNoblesse & @LeRelations

Репост из: Little Planet ★ OPEN & DISCOUNT
Hello! Little Planet, open yaa. Pricelist akun LPM sudah aku perbaharui. Untuk akun Telegram, aku bakal nyediain garansi sama no garansi ready hari minggu nne. Payment bisa via Qris/ E-wallet, pulsa 3 (+5k). Yuk jajan di sini :D

Репост из: ♔ Metarencia; OPEN!
Splendid morning everyone! Siapa nih yang belum order di Metarencia? Yuk yuk yuk buruan order, kita selalu buka kok! Kita juga open jasa upsubs pakai main account sekarang. Bisa account RP & BA/CA juga. Ets upviews nya juga jangan lupa, mulai 3k udah dapet 700 views, loh! Bisa pake postingan lebih dari satu juga, kok. @TestiMetarencia 100% trusted, yakin gak mau order di @Metarencia? Go go go fill your form and contact us at @HelpMetarenciaBot.

Репост из: TOKO TEMPUR
Hy people, Toko Tempur open nih!
Mari cek - cek keterangan dibawah :

( Pricelist Upsubs )

( Pricelist Verif Telegram )

( Format Memesan )

Banyak bonus lho, tunggu apalagi?
Isi format dan kirim ke abdi atau aing.
Yxg ga order, ntar nyesel merenn😢

Close dulu ya

Oks aku pengen open tapi rinem nokosnya dulu yh

Kalo ada yang belum ke fw bisa chat ke @roseaannee ya!😉

Репост из: Glerianst, OPEN
[To all my BA mutuals or who's anyone read this, please help me forward this message to your channel, thanks beforehand]

Hey y'all, today Glerianst has open! What you waiting for? Let's spend your money at Glerianst. Before that, please check the terms & conditions, then if you wanna see the catalogue. Send the form to @glerianstbot.

We'll waiting y'all, happy shopping, happy blooming!

Репост из: 𝖯𝘦𝗍𝗂𝗍𝖾 𝖯𝘦𝗍𝖺ls: OPEN
[ To all my respected BA mutuals and anyone who come across this short message, would you mind helping me to forward this to your channel and spread around? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance ]

Rise and shine, sweet creatures. It's Friday and Petite Petals happily announces that beside current types of wording: bio; pinned message; promotional message; and upchar caption; we also accept customize wording from now on! Accordingly, we would like to say that we are always open unless stated otherwise. Kindly read the T&C first before you send the form to @yeined to make your order. Have a great day, we would love to see you in our floristry ♡

Репост из: 𝐋𝐮𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 • 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍!!
[to all my bussiness mutuals and anyone
who saw this. would you help me forward this message to your bussiness channel? Thankies!]

Hi luvies! Sedang mencari icons yang lucu-lucu? aku ada jawabannya nih! Jadi, Hari Sabtu 06 Februari 12:00 PM @luviesstore akan resmi di buka untuk pertama kali nya! kami menyediakan beberapa icons untuk mempercantik profile akun mu! jangan lupa untuk membaca TnC nya ya,Terima kasih.

With love, sha.

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