COVA ( Announcement

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With the new COVA internet protocol, the owner of a data package can compose a data usage policy that specifies the data’s expected behavior.

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COVA Will Get Listed on Binance DEX

Dear Community

We’re excited to announce COVA will get listed on Binance DEX. The COVA/BNB pair will open for trading at 17:00 on June 24th (SGT).

Please find more details from our listing proposal here:

Also, we will be releasing mining/staking policy with our mainnet launch by the end of the month.

Please be wary of fraudulent sources of information, and only refer to the official channels for material updates.

COVA Managing Team

COVA and Origo.Network Reached a Strategic Partnership to Jointly Develop Distributed Technology

COVA and Origo.Network revealed today that they had reached a deep strategic cooperation and signed a blockchain cooperation framework agreement. This agreement will promote the development of distributed technology.

You can read more here:

Dear Community

Thank you for your support. We are happy to inform you that we have finished the initial conversion of COVA from ERC-20 to BEP-2.

Since our last announcement, the managing team has received a number of questions. With this opportunity, we would like to answer them and make some clarifications.

1. The migration of COVA token with Binance chain is only the first step of Binance DEX listing. There are four steps of getting listed, including token issuance, proposal submission, voting and listing. Currently, we've finished the first two steps, and are waiting the rest to finish.

2. All COVA tokens held by our community and investors, whether it's in your wallet or exchange account, will not be affected and will remain on the ERC20 standard. Explicit instructions will be announced in the future, if you want to acquire COVA tokens that are based on the Binance Chain BEP-2 standard. Note that this will in no way affect COVA’s circulation schedule, and COVA’s total token supply will always remain at 6.5 billion.

3. Our mainnet will support both ERC20 and BEP2 token. Therefore, you don't need to worry if your own token will be invalid in the future.

4. Currently BEP2 COVA Token cannot be purchased and traded publicly. If you want to acquire BEP2 COVA token, please wait till COVA gets listed on Binance DEX or other campaigns.

COVA Managing Team

COVA to be Launched on Binance Chain

COVA today revealed that it would integrate part of its tokenized privacy-preserving ecosystem with Binance Chain, a blockchain software system developed by Binance as well as the community.

Read more here

Bi-Weekly Updates Vol.16

We are in the last sprint for launching the Mainnet. The Mainnet requires implementation of a permissionless TEE ComputeNode architecture and mining through useful computation. At the same time, it requires implementation of a permissionless TEE RoutingNode architecture and mining through staking. We have implemented these features and are testing for their stability and scalability.

Bi-Weekly Updates Vol.15

We are on schedule to finish the next iteration of covalent testnet with miner support and reward system. In addition, we have finished the minute lottery dApp and preparing to deploy and ship it.

Read more here


Welcome to the 14th Bi-weekly Updates of COVA. In this bi-weekly update, we will recap what we’ve done starting from Apr 15th to April 30th.

Why can't we protect our data with current infrastructure?

In the past few blog posts, we have discussed how COVA could help you protect your privacy. Today, we want to talk about why do we need to do this, and why it can't be done under current technology infrastructure.

Dear COVA Community

We've closed our AMA, and published answers here:

Thank you for your guys' support! We'll send promised COVA rewards to your wallet by the end of this week.


COVA Managing Team

Welcome to the 13th Bi-weekly Updates of COVA. In this bi-weekly update, we will recap what we’ve done starting from Apr 2nd to Apr 14th.

Welcome to the 12th Bi-weekly Updates of COVA. In this bi-weekly update, we will recap what we’ve done starting from Mar 16th to Apr 1st.

数据管理与隐私:基于 COVA 协议的 DApp 生态

尊敬的 COVA 社区成员:

您好。我们很高兴地宣布,COVA 官方合作 DApp 平台「乐派」Beta 版本现已正式上线。基于 COVA 协议开发的乐派是全球领先的原生移动 DApp 平台,具备高扩展性、隐私保护、去中心化等特点。我们欢迎您即刻通过 下载乐派,并为我们提出宝贵的意见。



我们基于 COVA 协议开发了一款移动支付 SDK。通过这款 SDK,用户将可以通过手机号就能进行加密货币转账(预计支持比特币、以太坊),无需知晓接收方钱包地址或公钥。

COVA 协议允许用户在自己的数据上编写智能合约,用以规定它应该以何种方式被访问、使用、运算。我们在这款 SDK 中实践了这一特性。当用户通过接收方手机号进行转账时,资金将首先被转入一个去中心化托管地址。当接收方下载「乐派」并验证手机号后,去中心化托管程序将会把资金自动转入与该手机号相关联的以太坊地址。

我们相信这一 SDK 将大幅降低加密货币持有门槛,促进生态发展,并会在近期对其进行开源。

基于 COVA TEE 链的小额转账解决方案

众所周知,以太网主网对小额转账的支持仍在速度、成本、隐私等方面存在较多不足。因此自公开测试网络上线以来,COVA 就已建立了一条基于 TEE 网络的内部区块链用于处理小额转账。该 TEE 链可以为终端用户大幅降低转账成本,使得交易行为更为灵活,比如在「乐派」书城中花费 5 COVA 购买某一章节。此外,基于 TEE 网络的扩张性,TEE 链可同时支持大量交易,TPS 极高。

乐派开发团队与 COVA 管理团队均认为,此举将大幅降低加密货币持有门槛,促进生态发展,让更多人了解 DApp。


目前,去中心化网络正在面临一个重大问题:如何在去中心化的服务器之间确立信任?为此,COVA 设计了一套针对服务器的 SDK,使得开发者可以在数以千计的去中心化服务器中,运行那些最为敏感、对隐私保护要求最高的程序与数据:比如保护「乐派」书城用户的阅读记录不被窥探,或者是确保游戏中掷骰行为的公平性。此外,基于 COVA 协议开发的 DApp 还将更难遭到外部审查干预。

作为新一代年轻人娱乐平台,乐派还与数个 DApp 开发团队合作推出「解忧书城」、「分分乐」等工具、游戏。乐派致力于弥合现有 DApp 与传统 App 生态之间的距离,让 DApp 性能接近 App,可以短时间内存储、读取大量图片、文字。

我们将在接下来的时间内针对上述特性编写对应的使用文档。您可以在 Github 中的 Main Documentation 章节查阅到这些内容。


需要提醒您的是,由于目前乐派仍运行于 COVA 测试网络中,因此 App 中所使用的加密货币均为测试代币(FakeCOVA),尚不支持 COVA Token 与 ETH 的接受与发送。

在目前测试期间,请勿向乐派转入您持有的 COVA 或者 ETH 。

此外,由于乐派是一款去中心化钱包应用,所以服务器端并不会保存您的密钥。请您妥善保管好您的助记词,以便后续重装 App 后可以恢复您的账户。

为了鼓励您加入测试,我们将为您和每位受您邀请的新用户赠送 500 FakeCOVA。同时我们也欢迎您使用第三方钱包应用来测试我们的保管程序,以获得 5000 FakeCOVA 与 10 个测试网以太坊。您可以阅读以下文档,获取相关信息:

如果您希望更多了解本次活动,欢迎您加入COVA 中文电报讨论群 与其他社交媒体讨论渠道。


COVA 管理团队



The Covalent team has been hard at work with its partners to release a mobile dApp platform and a bookstore which comes with the promise of bringing scalability, privacy, and decentralization. For now, if you are in China (with a local phone number), you can download the App at and try it out.

The main features of LePai App are:

Innovative custodian system for easy crypto adoption

COVA team has created an SDK (to be open sourced soon) that can be used to enable sending cryptocurrencies such as COVA and ETH to mobile phone numbers instead of a cryptic Ethereum address (or some public key). Because under the hood COVA protocol can enforce smart contracts for data and computation privacy, the team has created an SDK that lepaiapp uses to send crypto to a custodian address that only someone with that phone number can unlock. Once someone verifies their phone number after downloading the dApp, the trusted custodian software sends the balance to the ETH address associated with their verified phone number. This creates the experience for end users much better suited for adoption.

You can get 5000 additional FakeCOVA and 10 testnet eth to try our custodian system (using a third party wallet) from here: . To learn more on how to use 3rd party wallet with FakeCova visit this tutorial:

Small transaction settlement system on COVA TEE chain

COVA has an internal blockchain (live since public testnet release) that is used in this case to settle small transactions. Using ETH mainnet for small transactions is impractical because of speed, cost, and privacy. However, using COVA TEE chain, we can settle as little as a fraction of cent without any marginal cost for the end user. This enables us to use the dApp for cases such as buying a single chapter of a book for 5 COVA. In addition, due to the scalability of the TEE based chain, the dApp can perform many more transactions.

Decentralized bookstore, casino, and much more--powered by COVA TEE servers

The main concern regarding the decentralized internet is the lack of trust in decentralized servers. COVA has designed a server SDK that developers can use to run the most sensitive and privacy concerning parts in thousands of decentralized servers. So COVA SDK can offer features such as privacy for someone reading books in COVA bookstore, privacy and fairness guarantee of dice in a casino, and even the fact that dApps built with COVA would be difficult to censor because of its decentralized nature.

Things to notice

Since LePai is still in beta phase, there are a couple of things we want you to notice when testing.

In the beta version, LeParty only supports FakeCOVA. This is not real COVA. Please do not transfer your COVA and ETH to LePai until further notice.
As a decentralized wallet, LePai doesn't store your private keys on any part of our servers. Please write down your mnemonics, which will be required when restoring account after you delete or reinstall the App.

More to follow

As the team works hard to release more features and open source the SDK to the developers, we will write more pieces explaining individual features and add them to our main documentation. Please stay tuned for more feature releases and upcoming global release.


LePai Development Team

COVA Managing Team

Bi-Weekly Updates Vol.10

COVA will be joining the release of its official partner DApp platform, LeParty (乐派) in March.

Based on COVA protocol, LeParty will be the world’s first native mobile DApp platform. It is created to bridge the gap between current DApp and traditional mobile app ecosystem. With various tools and infrasctures, LeParty is in the hope of encouraging developers to abandon out-dated user experience based web pages, instead creating more mobile native DApp.

In Version 1.0, LeParty will provide a mobile payment solution for the crypto community. Users can now transfer cryptos using only mobile phones, without knowing each other’s address. LeParty team and COVA believe that it will bring down the hurdle of holding cryptos.

We will share more information with our community later. Please stay tuned.


Welcome to the 9th Bi-weekly Updates of COVA. In this bi-weekly update, we will recap what we’ve done starting from Jan 22nd to Feb 10th.



We have a finished the custodian system for payment

Helped the partner developers to finish a full-fledged dApp store

COVA Network

Currently, we are doing research to answer some scalability questions. Given regular heartbeats must be sent to routing nodes, the main difficulty lies in being able to scale the number of compute nodes without increasing routing nodes

Roadmaps for being able to scale to millions of users


Fixed bugs on small balance settlement system

Improved the custodian system and deployed it for the partners


Huobi Chat Promotional Events

Raymond Gao, Co-founder of COVA, participated a collective promotional events hosted by Huobi Chat, introducing progress and sending congratulatory wishes to over 100,000 group members on Feb 5th, the first day of the Chinese New Year. He explained COVA’s strategy as to cooperate with a number of DApp developers to release consumer products, in order to build an DApp ecosystem.


MTN Interview

Da Eun Lee, CEO @ COVA Korea was interviewed by MTN (Money Today), one of the most influential financial TV news network in Korea. You can read the interview here.


Dear Community

On Jan. 23rd, Covalent Foundation announced its three-phase “150M COVA Buy-Back Program”. We are pleased to tell you that the Managing Team has completed the first phase of this program. A total amount of 50M COVA has been purchased, and they are stored in the following address: 0xe7AD92e77Bc1981f276D20BaF8f453658084296F.

These tokens will be used to set up the COVA DApp Ecosystem Fund, which will be used towards incentivizing DApp development teams and towards Airdrops campaigns for driving DApp adoption. We will share more details regarding this fund later.

Jan. 28th, 2019

Bi-Weekly Updates Vol.8

Welcome to the 8th Bi-weekly Updates of COVA. In this bi-weekly update, we will recap what we’ve done starting from Jan 7th to Jan 21th.

COVA was invited to speak at the 2nd Chainers Summit

Da Eun Lee, CEO @ COVA Korea was invited to attend the 2nd Chainers Summit in Seoul today. The summit has attracted over 80 speakers, including the mayor of Seoul and top-notch institutions like Upbit and Terra. Da Eun joined the panel discussion titled "Next killer dapp in blockchain", where she also announced "COVA Ecosystem Fund" to incentivize developers to produce applications under COVA protocols.

After the panel, she was interviewed by BlockInPress, one of Korea's top blockchain media, as well as MTN (Money Today), one of the most influential financial TV news network in Korea.

150MM COVA Buy-Back Program

SINGAPORE, - Jan. 23th, 2019 - Today, Covalent Foundation announced its "150MM COVA Buy-Back Program". The buy-back program contains 3 phases, and Phase One will commence immediately. During Phase One, no less than 50 million COVA will be purchased from the secondary market in the next 5 days. These tokens will be used to set up the COVA DApp Ecosystem Fund, and will be stored in a publicly announced address at the end of Phase One.

According to the COVA Management Team, Phase One signifies the launch of the COVA DApp Ecosystem. The pace of Dapp development based on the Covalent Protocol has exceeded all expectations, and a few Mobile DApps will be available for downloads in early 2019. Due to this unexpected pace, the Management Team has decided to set up the COVA DApp Ecosystem Fund through immediate secondary buy-backs. The majority of the funding will be used towards incentivizing DApp development teams and towards Airdrops campaigns for driving DApp adoption.

Co-founder of COVA, Vincent Li, commented: “the COVA DApp Ecosystem will bring useful mobile DApps directly to the consumers, allowing users to spend COVA on such activities as playing games, or unlocking visual contents. The Ecosystem will become a premier entertainment platform for the crypto generation. At the same time, COVA will keep driving adoption of our Data Smart Contract technology among Enterprise clients. Finally, we hope that, through token buy-backs, we create more value for our long term stakeholders.”

Detailed plans for Phase Two and Three of the 150MM COVA Buy-Back Program will be announced at appropriate times through official channels.

Welcome to the 7th Bi-weekly Updates of COVA. In this bi-weekly update, we will recap what we’ve done starting from Dec 25th to Jan 6th.

By the way COVA has started a new blog! It has everything on Medium, and we'll post our articles mainly here. It supports RSS subscription and newsletter, which could be retrieved on the homepage of the blog.

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