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SASH: Southeast Asia Story Hub
东南亚故事汇🫶 一个分享倾听故事的频道

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#全网有奖征集 36个痛彻心扉的爱情故事!




100,000💰USDT 原创投稿赏金活动第一季

为了鼓励更多用户积极创作优质内容,东南亚故事汇(Southeast Asia Story Hub)特别推出
2024年12月1日 起,凡投稿内容经过审核采纳,即可获得 10-500 USDT 的现金奖励!正所谓要 细数华夏风流人物, 还得看我东南亚各路山头的隐世人才。
1. 内容类型:


#毛遂自荐💙 #良驹寻伯乐或发展平台
#千里姻缘一线牵😑 文人骚客交友求偶消息发布。
#千里马常有伯乐不常有🖤 今日有伯乐现身东南亚故事汇寻各路能人义士欲创下 #丰功伟绩

2. 投稿内容真实可靠:

- 尽可能提供 视频或图片 作为投稿内容的真实性佐证。
- 所有投稿须为原创内容,未经发布或转发。

1. 投稿原则:
- 内容必须符合
#原创#优质#首发 的要求。
- 投稿内容不得含有煽动、造谣、刻意攻击他人或其他违法犯罪信息。
- 转发、盗用或虚假内容一律不予采纳。

2. 活动宗旨:
- 鼓励并尊重原创,保障投稿者权益。
- 只要内容真实、优质且符合活动要求,将获得奖励,不存在争议。
1. 投稿奖励公示:
- 所有发奖记录将公开展示,专用公示频道:
🎲 [投稿奖励公示频道] 🎲
- 奖金发放总额为 100,000 USDT,活动无固定截止日期,直至奖金全部发放完毕为止。

2. 奖励发放方式:

- 奖励通过 🐛 @okpay 钱包发放,避免手续费问题。
- 投稿即表示同意遵守活动规则。
- 认真阅读活动规则,确保您的投稿符合要求。
- 投稿需具备真实性和原创性,如发现虚假或抄袭内容,将取消奖励资格。
- 本次活动的最终解释权归活动主办方 东南亚故事汇 所有。

7. Applicable Laws and Platform Rules (2/2)
7.1 By using this channel, users agree to comply with Telegram's platform rules and the laws of their respective countries or regions.
7.2 The channel is not responsible for any consequences, such as account bans, resulting from violations of platform rules or local laws.

8. Modifications and Interpretation
8.1 This channel reserves the right to modify this disclaimer at any time. Updated disclaimers will be announced within the channel and take effect immediately.
8.2 The final interpretation of this disclaimer belongs to the management team of Southeast Asia Story Hub (SASH).

#### 9. Contact Information
If you have any questions about this disclaimer or need to report inappropriate content, please contact the administrator via the following methods:
- Bidirectional Bot: @dnygshbot

Thank you for your understanding and support! We look forward to sharing the diverse and vibrant stories of Southeast Asia with you!

Disclaimer (1/2)

Thank you for joining Southeast Asia Story Hub (SASH)!
To maintain a positive community environment, protect the rights of channel administrators and members, and ensure you understand the rules and scope of responsibilities for this channel, please carefully read the following disclaimer:

1. Information Source and Accuracy

1.1 This channel aims to share user-submitted stories, culture, history, travel insights, and other information related to Southeast Asia. All content is sourced from public submissions and user contributions.
1.2 We strive to ensure the originality, accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of the content, but we cannot guarantee that all information is up-to-date, error-free, or applicable to all situations.
1.3 Users are advised to verify any information provided on this channel independently. The channel is not responsible for any actions or decisions made based on its content.

2. User-Generated Content (UGC)
2.1 This channel allows users to submit, comment on, and share content. The views expressed are solely those of the contributors and do not reflect the opinions of the channel or its administrators.
2.2 The channel does not comprehensively review user-provided content but reserves the right to delete, block, or modify any illegal, inappropriate, or infringing content.
2.3 If users identify content that is infringing, false, illegal, or involves personal attacks, they are encouraged to report it to the administrator via the provided contact methods. The administrator will address the issue within a reasonable timeframe.

3. Intellectual Property Rights
3.1 The content shared on this channel belongs to the original authors or sources. Any redistribution, citation, or sharing of this content must comply with copyright laws and have the appropriate permissions from the copyright holders.
3.2 Users who share original content on this channel automatically grant the channel permission to use, repost, or display their content, while retaining copyright ownership.
3.3 If you find any content that infringes on your intellectual property rights, please provide evidence, and the administrator will take prompt action, including removing the relevant content after verification.

4. Risk and Liability Sharing
4.1 By using the content and services of this channel, users acknowledge and agree to assume all associated risks.
4.2 The channel and its administrators are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages caused by using its information, participating in discussions, or clicking on external links.
4.3 Users are solely responsible for any legal consequences resulting from their actions (e.g., posting illegal information or infringing on the rights of others). The channel and administrators bear no joint liability.

5. Links and Third-Party Content
5.1 This channel may include links to other websites, channels, or third-party resources. These links are provided solely for user convenience and do not imply endorsement, accuracy, or safety guarantees by this channel.
5.2 Users must comply with relevant laws and terms of use when accessing third-party resources. Any issues arising from such access are unrelated to the channel and its administrators.

6. Privacy and Data Protection
6.1 This channel does not actively collect, store, or disclose users' personal information. However, any information shared voluntarily within the channel will be visible to other members.
6.2 Users are advised not to share sensitive or private information in the channel. The channel assumes no responsibility for any breaches caused by user actions.
6.3 Administrators will never request usernames, passwords, or other personal information. Please remain vigilant against potential scams.

免责申明 (Disclaimer)
感谢您加入 东南亚故事汇 SASH英文全称:Southeast Asia Story Hub!为了维护良好的社区秩序,保护频道管理员和成员的权益,并确保您了解频道的使用规则和责任范围,请仔细阅读以下声明:

1. 信息来源与准确性
1.1 本频道旨在分享关于东南亚地区用户的故事、文化、历史、旅游资讯以及与该地区相关的其他信息。所有内容均来源于公开投稿、用户分享。
1.2 我们尽力确保内容的原创性、准确性、及时性与完整性,但无法保证所有内容均为最新、无误或适用于所有情境。
1.3 使用本频道提供的信息前,用户应自行核实,频道不对任何因依赖本频道信息而采取的行动或决策负责。

2. 用户生成内容(UGC)
2.1 本频道允许用户投稿、评论及分享内容,相关观点仅代表发布者个人立场,与本频道和管理员无关。
2.2 本频道不对用户提供的内容进行全面审核,但保留删除、屏蔽或修改任何违法、不当或侵犯他人权益内容的权利。
2.3 若用户发现侵权、虚假或违法信息,或通过内容进行人生攻击,请通过管理员提供的联系方式报告,管理员将在合理时间内处理。

3. 知识产权声明
3.1 本频道发布的内容版权归原作者或原出处所有,任何转载、引用或传播行为须遵守版权法律法规,并获得相关版权所有者的授权。
3.2 用户在本频道发布的原创内容,视为同意授予本频道使用、转载或展示的权利,但版权仍归用户所有。
3.3 若发现内容侵犯了您的知识产权,请提供相关证明,管理员将在核实后尽快采取措施处理,包括删除相关内容。

4. 风险与责任分担
4.1 使用本频道的内容和服务即视为用户已知悉并同意自行承担相关风险。
4.2 本频道及其管理员不对因使用频道信息、参与讨论或点击链接所造成的直接、间接、偶然或后续损失负责。
4.3 用户有责任对因其行为(如发布违法信息或侵犯他人权益内容)引起的法律后果承担全部责任,频道及管理员不承担连带责任。

5. 链接与第三方内容
5.1 本频道可能包含指向其他网站、频道或第三方资源的链接,这些内容仅为用户提供便利,不代表本频道对其内容、准确性或安全性做出任何担保。
5.2 用户访问第三方资源时,应遵守相关法律法规及该资源的使用条款。任何因访问第三方资源造成的问题,均与本频道及管理员无关。

6. 隐私与数据保护
6.1 本频道不会主动收集、存储或泄露用户的个人信息,但用户在频道中自行发布的信息将对其他成员可见。
6.2 请勿在频道内发布敏感或隐私信息,如因用户行为导致信息泄露,本频道不承担任何责任。
6.3 管理员不会以任何形式向用户索要账号、密码或其他私人信息,请提高警惕,谨防诈骗行为。

7. 适用法律与平台规则
7.1 使用本频道即表明用户同意遵守 Telegram 平台的使用规则及所在国家/地区的相关法律法规。
7.2 本频道对因违反平台规则或当地法律所导致的账号封禁或其他后果不承担责任。

8. 修改与解释权
8.1 本频道保留随时修改本声明内容的权利,修改后的声明将在频道内发布,并立即生效。
8.2 本声明的最终解释权归 东南亚故事汇 Southeast AsiaS tory Hub 管理团队所有。

9. 联系方式


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