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▬⇭ Welcome to the world of vampires, and please choose your partner tonight.
¤ Status ; Ordal
¤ Order ; @Enhaorderbot
¤ Character cast ; @VampiresPrince
¤ Our friend ; @Enhamutualbot
¤ Urgent ; @ParkJazy
¤ Rants ; @RantsVampires

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Jadi gini, gue tuh gak tau kenapa ni hari panas banget, apa karena gue liat mantan cust gue pacaran sama talenan lain ya?? 🤔 Ah nggak mungkin, kan gue beserta Vampires lain itu ganteng ganteng, gak mungkin mantan cust gueh berpaling dari gueh, apalagi gueh itu nyediain apa yang dia mau contohnya ini yakin mereka bisa berpaling dari gueh yang serba punya yang dia mau? Hmz, agaknya tidak mungkin bestih. 😎

Eum, mau anu.

HAPPY MENSIVE BUAT TETANGGA KITA @LightBornAgency @SpiderLoveWeb @MarkCityRent @encantco @Carffection sukses terus buat agency nya 🥳 aku masih setia dengan nasi kotak 🎉

244 1 6 17 17

⠀                   DARLENE'S DAY.

✵ The eclipse slowly changes to a full moon and the light shone on one of the boys, as if it knew his special day had come. All gathered and circled the person who was getting older and all prayers and good wishes are given to him. That night is so holy, let's close the eyes and say a spell, “happy birthday”

Darlene, hope all the good things come to you, everything will come true if you believe it. Bad things will disappear because of prayers and magic spells have surrounded you. Today will be your day, do everything that makes you happy and forget for a moment what burdens your mind. Happy birthday for our precious vampire, Darlene.

97 0 0 24 34

Itu bulan gosong p mksd.

Servamps, coba react mood kalian saat ini.

Pada dasarnya Vampires gabutan ya. ☺️

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