HR 8438 Support

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Communications about the progress of HR8438 Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, and Sovereignty Act of 2020

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RUS: Наши контакты в Капитолии сказали, что переговоры о законопроекте о федеральном бюджете находятся в критической стадии, и что у нас осталось очень мало времени, чтобы внести законопроект о санкциях против Лукашенко (HR 8438) как поправку к большому законопроекту. Поэтому сегодня 11 декабря мы решили провести день повышенной активности, фокусируя наше внимание на руководстве Палаты представителей и Сената.

Мы сделали сайт, на которым вы можете найти лёгкие к использованию примеры писем и звонков Сенаторам и Представителям, которые имеют больше всего влияния на этот процесс. Пожалуйста, отправьте 4 письма, сделайте 4 телефонных звонка и попросите своих домочадцев и друзей сделать то же самое.

ENG: Our contacts on Capitol Hill told us that the negotiations for the omnibus appropriations bill are at a critical stage and that we have a narrow window of opportunity to add HR 8438 as an amendment to it. Therefore, we decided to hold a very focused day of action today, December 11, to ensure that the House and the Senate leadership know how important HR 8438 is.

We set up a website to make it easy for you to find the email and call templates for the Senators and Members of Congress who hold the most power in this process. Please send the 4 letters and make the 4 calls today on Friday, December 11, make sure that everyone in your household does it and ask your friends to chip in.

EN: If you live in CA-12 district (City of San Francisco), which is represented by Nancy Pelosi in the House, please send us a private message on Facebook. We are organizing a constituents meeting with her aides.

RU: Если вы живёте в округе CA-12 (Сан-Франциско), который в Палате представляет Нэнси Пелоси, сообщите нам в Фейсбуке. Мы организовываем встречу её избирателей с помощниками.

We are about to reach 200 senders of the three letters. Please make sure that everyone in your household sends them today.

Уже почти 200 человек отправили по три письма. Пожалуйста, напомните своим домочадцам, чтобы они тоже отправили письма сегодня.

SIGN PQPMLC @resistbot

The first 100 people have already sent their letters today! Remember that every adult in your household should send the letters every day.

HR 8438 The Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, and Sovereignty Act of 2020 (full text version and other details) passed the House. However, due to other political priorities it cannot get a vote as a standalone legislation. The bill is now under consideration to be included as an amendment to the omnibus appropriations bill. This means that if included, contents of HR 8438 would be enacted but as part of another law.

Although there is little opposition to the bill, there are other pieces of legislation not related to appropriations that are being pushed as amendments. Your Members of Congress and Senators must know that HR 8438 is the top priority to be added to the omnibus appropriations bill.

We need everyone in your household to write and call every day until the amendment gets added. This means that every US citizen or permanent resident adult needs to send 3 electronic letters every day.

Please sign up for the channel. We will begin posting the contact instructions for Senators soon.

Показано 7 последних публикаций.


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