Imankulov| IELTS

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The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding✅
Yuqori Mindset egalari uchun✅

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What do you think of this lesson for IELTS and Pre-IELTS classes? Teaching selected advanced grammar to use in IELTS Writing Task 2!

🔖 must be one of the best sources of authentic articles. They manage to balance readability with intellectual rigor, which is why I find them both enjoyable and enlightening. It’s a perfect blend of journalistic precision and literary style.

Check it out, good people.

Kurs - Marathon - Guruhlar

Mart oyi boshlarida bizni 1-2 ta judaham ajoyib yangiliklar kutmoqda, va aynan o’sha oyda(muborak Ramazon oyida) bir nechta kurs va guruhlar taklif etishni boshlaymiz. 🤫

Yaqin mart-may oylari uchun listening-reading marafoni va uning formati haqida o’ylayapman. Ko’rganingizdek bu ikkala “Receptive skill” lardan 9.0 olish ehtimoli judaham baland, faqat to’g’ri yondashilsa bo’lgani)

Hali format to’liq shu kanalda e’lon qilinadi, lekin bir narsa aniqki, May-Iyun oylarida asosiy imtihonini topshiradigan abituriyentlar, va boshqalarga aynan qo’l keladigan marafon bo’lishiga ishonaman.

Oxirgi bir necha oylarda men qilayotgan experimentlardan shuni aniq aytishim mumkinki, IELTS ni boring, time-consuming experience dan enjoyable, engaging process ga o’tkazish judaham muhum, va bu biz bilan judaham oson!⚡️

Bizni kuting, va biz tez kunda judaham noodatiy takliflar bilan qaytamiz❤️

1k 0 16 2 76

Men o’ylayotgan idea lar oldida oldingi BOOST kurslar hech narsa emas!

Xohlasangiz, 1-2 tasini aytishim mumkin🙂

Would next IELTS Boost be interesting?🤔

Definitely, yes🔥

863 0 1 5 159

Listening 9.0! | Reading 9.0! | Overall 8.0

Outstanding Achievement! 🎉

Congratulations to Zarina Erkinova on a flabbergasting Listening 9.0 and Reading 9.0, with an Overall Band 8.0 in IELTS!

A dual band 9 scorer who stands as a true inspiration for anyone pursuing excellence!🔥

Instructor: Mr Akmal
Imankulov (IELTS 8.5)

iKnow Academy
Success, nothing less!

2.7k 2 50 33 82

Writing 7.0⚡️

Another impressive Band 7.5!

To’lqinova Nozimaxon earned an excellent Band 7.5 after completing Mr. Akmal's IELTS Boost course. It’s a well-deserved result of her dedication and perseverance.

Instructor: Mr Akmal
Imankulov (IELTS 8.5)

iKnow Academy
Success, nothing less!

863 0 7 26 39

E’zoza Olimjonova | IELTS 7.5 🔥

Since the very beginning, I have been witnessing her true dedication and consistency. One of the unusual students of mine with whom I shared the whole journey! Good luck in your future endeavors.

🎧 Listening 7.5
📖 Reading 8.0
✍️Writing 6.5
🗣Speaking 7.0

Instructor: Mr Akmal
Imankulov (IELTS 8.0)

iKnow Academy
Success, nothing less!

2.6k 1 14 24 40

Gulmira Tulenova | IELTS 7.5🔥

Listening: 7.5
Reading: 8.0
Writing: 6.5
Speaking: 7.0

Overall 7.5!

P.S She deserves a lot more. It should have been at least 8.0. Still, congratulations Gulmira!

Instructor: Mr Akmal
Imankulov (IELTS 8.5)

Success, nothing less!

Well done on achieving a solid 7.0 overall! Your dedication and effort truly paid off. Keep pushing forward—greater success is on the horizon!

Muxammadsodiq Dushaboyev 🔥

Instructor: Mr Akmal
Imankulov (IELTS 8.5)

iKnow Academy
Success, nothing less!

Another student of mine with an incredible 7.0🔥

Listening 8.0|Reading 8.0

Xaliqulova Marvarid⚡️

Your dedication and effort truly paid off. Keep pushing forward—greater success is on the horizon! I personally look forward to an impressive retake from her!

0.5 shy of 7.5 again..)

Instructor: Mr Akmal
Imankulov (IELTS 8.5)

iKnow Academy
Success, nothing less!

2k 1 6 23 20

Sugʻdiyona Jalolova| IELTS 7.0🔥

Congratulations on securing a 7.0! Your efforts have led to this well-earned success. Keep striving for more—the best is yet to come!

Instructor: Mr Akmal
Imankulov (IELTS 8.5)

iKnow Academy
Success, nothing less!

2k 1 4 15 18

Another solid 7.0 overall, with an excellent 8.0 in Listening.

Niyozov Abdulaziz 🔥

A great result that reflects your effort and hard work. Keep going—there are even more opportunities and achievements ahead!🙌

Instructor: Mr Akmal
Imankulov (IELTS 8.5)

iKnow Academy
Success, nothing less!

Mr.Akmal Imankulov’ning IELTS kurslarini tamomlab, OVERALL 7.0 ball olgan qahramonimiz bilan tanishing!

Rejabova Ruhsora🔥

Overall 7.0!

0.5 shy of 7.5)

Instructor: Mr Akmal
Imankulov (IELTS 8.5)

iKnow Academy
Success, nothing less!

2k 1 7 18 39

Another amazing Band 7.0 achievement! 🔥

Laziza Jumadullayeva has secured an impressive Band 7.0 after completing Mr.Akmal's IELTS course. This success is a true reflection of her hard work and determination.

She is just 14 years old!🤯

Instructor: Mr Akmal
Imankulov (IELTS 8.5)

iKnow Academy
Success, nothing less!

2.1k 1 17 18 33

IELTS'dan yuqori ball olib, 2025-yilni zoʻr natija bilan boshlashdan yaxshiroq narsa boʻlmasa kerak 💥

Mr.Akmal'ning oʻquvchisi Sunnatjon Urolov yangi yilni ajoyib IELTS natija bilan boshladi 🚀


Instructor: Mr Akmal
Imankulov (IELTS 8.5)

iKnow Academy
Success, nothing less!

2.1k 1 10 35 39

Overall 6.5 ball bilan IELTS missiyasini tugatgan talabalarimizni tabriklab qolamiz va kelgusida yanada yuqoriroq natijalarni tilab qolamiz!

1. Bekzod Saidakbarov
2. Lochinbek Kamolov
3. Shodiyorbek Mengboyev

Instructor: Mr Akmal
Imankulov (IELTS 8.5)

iKnow Academy
Success, nothing less!

🎉Ushbu talabalarimiz xalqaro IELTS imtihonidan 6.0 ballni qo'lga kiritishdi va kirish imtihonlarida Ingliz tilidan 100% lik ball bilan ozod etilishdi.

1. Bayadilev Azamat
2. Saydumarxonova Muslimaxon

Instructor: Mr Akmal
Imankulov (IELTS 8.5)

iKnow Academy
Success, nothing less!

2k 1 12 16 38


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