InfoDefense is a team of volunteers from around the world. We expose the truth that is suppressed by mainstream media. More than 30 channels in different languages. List of channels @InfoDefALL @InfoDefenseMailBot
03.06.2023 14:07
InfoDefense is a team of volunteers from around the world. We expose the truth that is suppressed by mainstream media. More than 20 channels in different languages. List of channels @InfoDefALL @InfoDefenseMailBot
16.10.2022 13:13
The truth about the war in Ukraine. Find out what ‘they’ don't want you to know. #ukraine #war #russia #dnr #lnr #warinukraine #ukrainianwar #ukrainiantruth #donbass #natoukraine #usaukraine #ukrainerussia #truthaboutukraine #truthaboutrussia