Others get it. For all his apparent intellect Keith is a moron & doesn’t think like a racial nationalist.
None of this is winning or progress. All this is is rolling back some of the damage inflicted upon us for decades. Real progress will only be when we actually do things that not only roll back the lefts damage but impose our own rules on society like mass deportations, jews out of power, a White ethnostate.
Even after all Trumps executive orders we’re in a very bad place. At this stage I’d rather have Kamala & acceleration than the brakes put on growing White anger. But of course that’s Trumps job isn’t it. He now has most Whites in America thinking they’re winning.
As much as I hate the jew you gotta say politically they are light years ahead of most Whites. Until we fix how easily manipulated our people are by them we will continue to be in a bad place.