Multilingual Israel Defense Forces and Police Telegram Channel by GRT

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Категория: Telegram

Israel Defense Forces in english, french and spanish on Telegram by @DefenceTelegram @ArmyFreaks @DisasterFreaks @GenRevolutionOfficial @PlanetFreaks - Other channels @DefenceChannels @idfofficial @israeli_air_force

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Израиль, Английский
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IDF: Over the last two hours, directed by IDF intelligence, the IAF struck hundreds of rocket launcher barrels that were ready to be used immediately to fire toward Israeli territory.

Since this afternoon, the IAF has struck approximately 100 launchers and additional terrorist infrastructure sites, consisting of approximately 1000 barrels that were ready to be used in the immediate future to fire toward Israeli territory.

The IDF will continue to operate to degrade the Hezbollah terrorist organization’s infrastructure and capabilities in order to defend the State of Israel.

Attached is a video of the strikes:

Attached are photos of IAF fighter jets departing to conduct strikes in southern Lebanon:

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מטוסי קרב של חיל-האוויר תקפו בשעתיים האחרונות בהכוונת אמ"ן ופיקוד הצפון, מאות קני שיגור שהיו מוכנים לשיגור מיידי לשטח מדינת ישראל.

החל משעות אחר הצהריים הותקפו סך הכל כ-100 משגרים ותשתיות צבאיות נוספות, בהם כ-1,000 קני שיגור שהיו מוכנים לשיגור מיידי.

צה"ל ממשיך לפגוע ולגרוע יכולות טרור ותשתיות צבאיות של ארגון הטרור חיזבאללה.

Israeli Air Force

Israel Defense Forces by @IsraelDefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

IDF: In accordance with the situational assessment and in accordance with the Home Front Command and the Northern Command:
As of September 19th 23:15:

Instructions for the communities of:
Merom HaGalil
Mevo'ot HaHermon
Yesud HaMa'ala
Rosh Pinna

In addition, communities in the northern Golan north of Katzrin are requested to:
1) Minimize movements in the area of the communities
2) Avoid gatherings
3) Control community gates
4) Stay close to shelters

And follow alerts from the Home Front Command, as of the immediate time frame and up until a new announcement is released.

The rest of the communities are requested to follow alerts of the Home Front Command.

Essential services shall continue to operate with no restrictions.

Actuando con inteligencia proveniente de las FDI, la FAI alcanzó aproximadamente 30 lanzadores y sitios de infraestructura terrorista pertenecientes a Hezbolá, los cuales contenían aproximadamente 150 lanzadores listos para disparar proyectiles hacia territorio israelí.

Las FDI también alcanzaron infraestructura terrorista de Hezbolá y un almacén de armas en múltiples áreas en el sur del Líbano.

⭕️ Las FDI están alcanzando actualmente objetivos de Hezbolá en el Líbano para degradar sus capacidades terroristas y su infraestructura.

Durante décadas, Hezbolá ha utilizado hogares civiles como armas, cavado túneles bajo ellos y usado a civiles como escudos humanos, convirtiendo el sur del Líbano en una zona de guerra.

Las FDI están operando para traer seguridad al norte de Israel, con el fin de permitir el regreso de los residentes a sus hogares y alcanzar los objetivos de la guerra. - FDI


Israel Defense Forces by @IsraelDefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

With the direction of IDF intelligence, the IAF struck approximately 30 Hezbollah launchers and terrorist infrastructure sites, containing approximately 150 launcher barrels that were ready to fire projectiles toward Israeli territory.

Additionally, the IDF struck Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure and a weapons storage facility in multiple areas in southern Lebanon.

⭕️The IDF is currently striking Hezbollah targets in Lebanon to degrade Hezbollah’s terrorist capabilities and infrastructure.

For decades, Hezbollah has weaponized civilian homes, dug tunnels beneath them and used civilians as human shields—having turned southern Lebanon into a war zone.

The IDF is operating to bring security to northern Israel in order to enable the return of residents to their homes and achieve war goals. - Israel Defense Forces

Israel Defense Forces

Israel Defense Forces by @IsraelDefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

IDF: With the direction of IDF intelligence, the IAF struck approximately 30 Hezbollah launchers and terrorist infrastructure sites, containing approximately 150 launcher barrels that were ready to fire projectiles toward Israeli territory.

Additionally, the IDF struck Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure and a weapons storage facility in multiple areas in southern Lebanon. Furthermore, IDF artillery struck in the area of Naqoura.

The IDF will continue to operate against the threat of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in order to defend the State of Israel.

Attached is a video of the strikes:

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מטוסי קרב של חיל-האוויר בהכוונה מודיעינית תקפו כ-30 משגרים ותשתיות צבאיות של ארגון הטרור חיזבאללה, אשר הכילו כ-150 קני שיגור שנועדו לשיגור מיידי לעבר שטח הארץ.

בנוסף, הותקפו מבנים צבאיים לצד מחסן אמצעי לחימה של הארגון במספר מרחבים בדרום לבנון.
צה"ל תקף באמצעות ירי ארטילרי במרחב א- נקורה.

צה"ל ימשיך לגרוע יכולות ולפגוע בארגון הטרור חיזבאללה.

Israeli Air Force

Israel Defense Forces by @IsraelDefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

כלי-טיס תקף כעת רכב ובו מחבלים חמושים בקבטיה שבמרחב ג׳נין, כחלק מהמבצע בצפון השומרון. פרטים נוספים בהמשך.

Israeli Air Force

Israel Defense Forces by @IsraelDefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

IDF: Attached is an IDF announcement regarding the names of two fallen soldiers whose families have been notified:

Additionally, attached is a link to the IDF website, where updates on fallen soldiers are published:

During the incident in which Sergeant Tomer Keren fell, a soldier from the 51st Battalion, 'Golani' Brigade was severely injured. The soldier was evacuated to hospital to receive medical treatment. His family has been updated.

IDF: Activity of the 401st Brigade in Tel Al-Sultan: Over 300 Terrorists Eliminated and a Long-Range Rocket Cache Destroyed

Over the past month, troops of the 401st Brigade operated in the Tel al-Sultan area in Rafah under the command of the 162nd Division. During activity in the area, the troops eliminated over 300 terrorists and the majority of the Tel al-Sultan Battalion's chain of command.

Additionally, a long-range rocket cache in an enemy warehouse was located and destroyed, along with weapons storage facilities containing sniper rifles, ammunition, anti-tank missiles, and grenades.

During this week’s operational activity in the area, Captain Daniel Mimon Toaff, Staff Sergeant Agam Naim, Staff Sergeant Amit Bakri, and Staff Sergeant Dotan Shimon were killed in action. The IDF shares in the grief of the families and will continue to accompany them.

Attached is footage from the activity of the 401st Brigade in Tel al-Sultan:

Attached are photos from the activity of the troops:

Attached is footage of the destruction of a rocket cache by the Shaked Battalion:

Attached are photos of the weapons located by the 601st Battalion:

סוכלה הברחה של 16 ק"ג חומר החשוד כסם מסוג אקסטזי, שהוסלק בשקיות אבקת חלבון - היחידה המרכזית במחוז ש"י בשיתוף יחידת הבילוש 747 במרחב נתב"ג, עצרה שני חשודים שחזרו בטיסה מאוסטריה (גבר ואישה, תושבי בת ים וזכרון יעקב)

IDF: Following the sirens that sounded in Nahariya and the Western Galilee, it was determined to be a false identification.

IDF: Sirens sounded in northern Israel.

⭕️ Las FDI están alcanzando actualmente objetivos de Hezbolá en el Líbano para degradar sus capacidades terroristas y su infraestructura.

Durante décadas, Hezbolá ha utilizado hogares civiles como armas, cavado túneles bajo ellos y usado a civiles como escudos humanos, convirtiendo el sur del Líbano en una zona de guerra.

Las FDI están operando para traer seguridad al norte de Israel, con el fin de permitir el regreso de los residentes a sus hogares y alcanzar los objetivos de la guerra.


Israel Defense Forces by @IsraelDefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

⭕️The IDF is currently striking Hezbollah targets in Lebanon to degrade Hezbollah’s terrorist capabilities and infrastructure.

For decades, Hezbollah has weaponized civilian homes, dug tunnels beneath them and used civilians as human shields—having turned southern Lebanon into a war zone.

The IDF is operating to bring security to northern Israel in order to enable the return of residents to their homes and achieve war goals.

Israel Defense Forces

Israel Defense Forces by @IsraelDefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

⭕️Tsahal frappe actuellement des cibles du Hezbollah au Liban pour réduire les capacités terroristes et l'infrastructure du Hezbollah.

Depuis des décennies, le Hezbollah a militarisé des maisons de civils, creusé des tunnels sous celles-ci et utilisé des civils comme boucliers humains, transformant le sud du Liban en zone de guerre.

Tsahal agit pour rétablir la sécurité dans le nord d'Israël, permettre le retour des résidents dans leurs foyers et atteindre les objectifs de guerre.


Israel Defense Forces by @IsraelDefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

El Jefe del Estado Mayor, el Tte. Grl. Herzi Halevi, aprobó recientemente los planes para la arena del norte.


Israel Defense Forces by @IsraelDefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

The Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, recently completed approval of plans for the northern arena.

Israel Defense Forces

Israel Defense Forces by @IsraelDefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Le Chef d'état-major général, le lieutenant-général Herzi Halevi, a récemment approuvé des plans opérationnels pour l'arène nord.


Israel Defense Forces by @IsraelDefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

IDF: The IDF thwarted an attempted IED attack on the northern border, eliminating two Hezbollah terrorists

Earlier this week (Monday), IDF soldiers conducting operations on the northern border identified two Hezbollah terrorists planting explosive devices on the border with Lebanon. The soldiers directed artillery and an aircraft which struck and eliminated the terrorists as they attempted to conduct the attack in the area of the 'Tziporen' post.

Attached is video from the terrorists' body cameras:

Attached is radio communications and footage of the identification and elimination of the terrorists:

Attached is drone footage of the terrorists following their elimination:

Attached are photos of the weaponry used by the terrorists:

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