Phase 1 of RBI Grade B has four sections which are General awareness, English language, Quantitative aptitude and Reasoning.
Important Topics
General Awareness
Monthly current affairs since the previous year, Economy and finance, Economic survey, Union budget, Payment and settlement systems, Banking terms, Latest summits and Government schemes.
Tips: For Current Affairs, study daily and then revise week after week, month after month and once before the exam. For Static GK, attempt to cover more of economy and finance related questions alongside banking terms and terminologies.
English Language
Cloze test, Error spotting and Para jumbles.
Tips: After going through each topic, step through sectional examinations for those topics to measure your advancement. Keep learning and practicing till you're thorough in that concept and afterward proceed onward to the following one.
Quantitative Aptitude
Series, Data Interpretation (DI), Quadratic equations, Data sufficiency, Ratio, Percentage, Mensuration, Algebra and Time, and Speed and Distance.
Tips: Data Interpretation hold the maximum priority in this section followed by series and arithmetic topics.
Syllogism, Critical reasoning, Inequality, Blood relation, Analogy, Seating arrangement, Input output, Coding & Decoding and Data sufficiency.
Tips: Reasoning can be tedious; however, it is scoring too. The more you practice, the better you perform. Concentrate more on relatively troublesome topics which can vary from individual to individual. Recognize your weak areas and fix them.