hellooww, let’s be friend with mee! mau punyaaaa pacar yang clingy tapi bisa manjain aku jugaa, ga drytext, sama sama excited dan siap menerima kebawelan aku donggg, hit me up please? ( make sure you’re not conve-killer, drytext & kurang lebih sesuai dengan kebutuhanku disini. anw i’m looking for manyyy frienddsss, papaaa, big brother or sisterr yang awet, have same energy, agak posesif, yang bisa ngabarin, suka manjain aku, bawel dan suka ngatur ngatur 🤏🏻 fyiii, i like to send 3++ bubblechat and use many capslock for daily hehehe, i’m a talkactive person, little bit clingy and also good listener.
ghosting, convo-killer, drytext BIG DNI!
if you want to know more about myself, let’s do a conversation on our roomchat, hmu!
t.me/pranalas #jpayu