Репост из: – Memoria
- Fi : Cantik. Beneran.
- Rate setup : WKWKWKKW karena setupmu warna biru putih, +ada jeno, +ada kata² yg wadidaw, i'll give you 100000000/1000!
- Tbh : Dari awal kita ketemu, kalau liat lu, gua ngerasa nyaman 😭👍
- Date/pass : Def i'll choose date.
- Short desc : Lo lucuuu, namanya juga ga kalah lucuuu. Seru rasanya bisa ngobrol sama lo. Kekk, lo tuh memancarkan aura postipppp. Lope for u segede gaban ♡
- 3 words for you : Cute, Adorable, Unique.
- WM : 🔽
- FMKKH : Well, can i marry you? Huahaha jk dik, i'll give you big warm hug!
- Date ideas : Hmmm based on ur setup. Date idea that suits you is chillin' on a beach, waiting the sunset while eating some ice cream 🤩
- Cute reminder : I know you are such a brave girl! But please, look after yourself. Keep yourself happy and healthy, okayy? I hope you will get better soon. You are precious and we love you. ❤️
- Fi : Cantik. Beneran.
- Rate setup : WKWKWKKW karena setupmu warna biru putih, +ada jeno, +ada kata² yg wadidaw, i'll give you 100000000/1000!
- Tbh : Dari awal kita ketemu, kalau liat lu, gua ngerasa nyaman 😭👍
- Date/pass : Def i'll choose date.
- Short desc : Lo lucuuu, namanya juga ga kalah lucuuu. Seru rasanya bisa ngobrol sama lo. Kekk, lo tuh memancarkan aura postipppp. Lope for u segede gaban ♡
- 3 words for you : Cute, Adorable, Unique.
- WM : 🔽
- FMKKH : Well, can i marry you? Huahaha jk dik, i'll give you big warm hug!
- Date ideas : Hmmm based on ur setup. Date idea that suits you is chillin' on a beach, waiting the sunset while eating some ice cream 🤩
- Cute reminder : I know you are such a brave girl! But please, look after yourself. Keep yourself happy and healthy, okayy? I hope you will get better soon. You are precious and we love you. ❤️