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США, Английский
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We must first “individually” get as strong as possible physically, mentally and financially. Then after this is achieved, “collectively” we will be unstoppable. Nothing changes until this happens. You will be caught in (((their))) quicksand of day after day drama and intentional bull shit for eternity, never accomplishing anything real or worthwhile. Put your nose to the grindstone and accomplish these tasks now! You must first help yourself before you are truly able to help others.

Are you just going to sit around on the internet bitching about the international jew all day everyday? Or are you going to start taking the steps to break away? In order to do this everyone that wants to break away must be financially secure. If you do not have the means and the resources to break away, it is never going to happen. (((They))) want you tied up 24/7 bitching about them making yourself a victim. This puts you in a perpetual state of niggerism where you impoverish yourself because you are consumed by being the victim 24/7. Hard work and making yourself as wealthy as possible is the only shot you have at winning this battle. No one is going to do it for you. There is no magic savior but you and you alone. With financial independence comes power. With power comes real change. But hey…what do I know? Now excuse me while I get off the internet and find something constructive to do that will better my life and living conditions.😉

What (((they))) fear the most is you not participating in (((their))) bull shit system. Once you pull the tics and leaches off you,they just shrivel up and die.

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Year of Unity, that was 2023 for White Lives Matter Alabama. Ups and downs come with activism and life. If you lose folk you will find folk in this family. We want to thank every group this year for your efforts and joining together with us . By no means is this list conclusive, we apologize for any we have failed to mention. The Tennessee Active Club, Vinland Rebels, Southern Sons AC, DNC 133, Smokey Mountains AC, Tennessee White Lives Matter, Cincinnati AC, Heart of Dixie AC, and those who wish to remain anonymous, Hail Victory! 14 and onward to 2024! @wlm_usa_alabama @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial

Репост из: The Western Chauvinist(Uncensored)
From George Lincoln Rockwell's book 'White Power'

The communist revolution in Russia was almost entirely run by Jews.

- there were 384 commissars (government ministers) who ran Russia at the time of the revolution.  There were 2 blacks, 13 Russians, 15 Chinese, 22 Armenians, and more than 300 Jews.

- 264 of those Jewish commissars had come to Russia from the United States since the downfall of the imperial dynasty.

- Cpt. Montgomery Schuler stated in his report to Washington on the Russian revolution "it is probably unwise to say this to loudly in the United States, but the bolshevik movement is and has been since the beginning; guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type"


Репост из: 🩸 HAMMER 🩸
Quick reminder that Elon ain't your boy

Репост из: SicilianGorillian
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Wise words from Stevie Ray Vaughn

Репост из: White Lives Matter Official

In order for a people to deserve to live, they must fight for their survival. Our ever growing family of WLM activists who have been living the 14 words for almost 3 years now will once again take to the streets every month of 2024 to engage in legal & anonymous pro-White activism.

We also want to thank our online and off-line allies who have set aside any differences and united behind the 14 words:
@bubbakate2, @CIG_telegram, @PrivSecGoy, @friendlyfather, frenschan.org, @proudboysuncensored, @BellumActaNews, @europa_the_last_battle_blu_ray and others.

Our track record speaks for itself at
@wlm_events. Please forward this on for all Whites to know!

@wlmcontactbot to get involved.


👆🏻👆🏻Absolute truth! Suffering from burnout from all the useless MF’ers we are surrounded by that refuse to get active is what the main problem is in my eyes. They will work you to death like a fuckn pack mule as long as you are doing all the fighting for them while they can still live comfortably and unaffected sitting on their asses doing their fun seeking shit on the weekends.

Репост из: Nationalist Training & Lifestyle
Q. How do you fight a war?

A. Any way you can

Stickering, fliering, and content production are good ways to get your feet wet but are mostly useful for people working by themselves or with only a few others. The main purpose here is to recruit.

Once you have a greater number of dedicated activists you can pursue a more confrontational sort of activism, protesting the far left and the most egregious excesses of the modern world.

Ideally once you’ve grown beyond this you’re in the realm of being able to run candidates for local offices and whether you win or not you can use the electoral system to further advocate for your ideals/group.

There are a thousand factors to consider. How hostile the opposition is in a given area, how friendly parallel groups are. What the local judicial system looks like in terms of political prosecution and likely juror pools. How dedicated your activists are and whether or not they are burned out. Many factors exist, many of which are not visible to the arm chair critics who love to heap insults and attacks on men putting a target on their own back to fight for white well being.

It boils down to doing what you can with what you have. Some people are more effective at doing more with less. Some people have different short term goals though we are all fighting the same long term struggle.

So promote what you believe in most strongly, but know that the people online stating that everyone is a fed or useless are not your friends ,whether they are working against white well being intentionally as bad actors or are simply retarded malcontents.

The options are simple, join a group doing something or start a group doing something. Bitching about people doing things is not a prowhite action. You can dismiss as a useful tool of jews anyone who knows all the movement gossip and every bad thing about every movement leader and group but who knows nothing about what local groups function as the apparatus of our globalist enemies.

Репост из: Patriot Girls United
New Year’s Day squat challenge 2024
20 sets of 24
If you have knee problems, 🙋‍♀️, don’t go too deep, do not let your knees go beyond your toes, concentrate on those quads and glutes!
2 sets down, 18 to go…

What large groups of White people come to mind that are just about totally independent from the government and self sustaining? The Amish & Mennonite are first in my mind. You know what they “don’t” have that doesn’t hold them back from achieving this high level of independence? Smart phone technology. They are steadily working while I’m sitting here typing away on my keyboard. They don’t need your help, they don’t need anyone’s help. Think about that. Get busy getting independent and have a beautiful day ☀️

Happy New Year to all my White Nationalist Brothers & Sisters. Don’t let the degenerate communists drag you down to their level of miserable existence. Communism is a mental disorder. Always remember, you are a mentally and physically sane human being. This is what makes us far superior to them.

Репост из: Patriot Front
@PatriotFrontUpdates » Activists from Network 6 placed a banner at Lewis Country Store in Nashville, Tennessee.

Check out the rest of our accounts:

That MF’er I shot after a month we were open, that wanted to rob us 😎

We’re down here waiting for you commies if you want one last shot ⚡️⚡️

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