Hola 🤗. Here is my format for Pfp/Swap promote at @princessnovelpalace . Choose which want you want✌🏻
Delete after 3 hours .
Delete awal ? Takpe, saya tak marah . Tapi saya akan delete awak punya link juga
♪Pfp ?
♪Swap promote ?
Sureee 😁. Just pm @LilyAngel_bot and wait for my reply. Have a nice day Marshmallow ❣️
Delete after 3 hours .
Delete awal ? Takpe, saya tak marah . Tapi saya akan delete awak punya link juga
♪Pfp ?
♪Swap promote ?
Sureee 😁. Just pm @LilyAngel_bot and wait for my reply. Have a nice day Marshmallow ❣️