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🔰 Linux awk command for sysadmins

🛜 Honeypot

A honeypot is a fake system or network that tricks hackers into attacking it, while collecting information about them.

Honeypots can look like any digital asset, such as software, servers, databases, or payment gateways.

📱 Types of DNS records

🐧 How to manage processes in Linux

Knowing when and how to stop running processes is an essential skill for sysadmins. When a process becomes stuck, it often only takes a gentle nudge to restart or stop it.

At times, a process might consume all the system resources. In both cases, you need a command that lets you manage processes efficiently.

The Linux operating system includes several commands for terminating errant processes (rogue processes), such as pkill, kill, and killall.

📱 21 Most used Linux commands

🔰 An Amazing Cheatsheet for GIT

🐧 Linux Permission Related Commands

🐧 Linux Permissions

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🔅 How to Dual-Boot Linux Mint 22 and Windows 11: Step-by-Step Guide

If you want your computer to have a split personality, why not set up a dual boot? In this video, Jay shows off the process of setting up a dual boot between Windows 11 and Linux Mint 22.

🛜 Useful Wireshark Filters

🔰 Linux command line chaining crash course

10 - Managing Containers Images.zip
10 - Managing Containers Images

09 - Configuring File Systems.zip
09 - Configuring File Systems

07 - Configuring and Maintaining Systems.zip
07 - Configuring and Maintaining Systems

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