
Гео и язык канала: не указан, Английский
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не указан, Английский
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1.2k 0 27 17 64

Репост из: Aureus Press Publications
Aegeon Issue 10 is FINALLY HERE!

Special jam-packed edition, bigger and weirder than ever!

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Probably the funniest video we'll have today

2.1k 0 81 12 91

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1.6k 0 25 46 70

I hear Mossad is detonating vibrators in Beirut now ….beware Lezbollah 🍆💦🌚

1.9k 0 27 16 72

Comment of the day

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Oh shit! Haitians in Dallas now!!!

1.9k 0 42 51 89

Репост из: The Base

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He's gonna be waiting a while...

2.4k 0 24 10 56


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Репост из: Jimble & Sons LLC

1.5k 0 15 21 58

Репост из: Prison Dick's Behind-Bars Bash
Political Prisoner Update: Day 604

I took on another job aside from suicide watch last week to keep myself busy. I've been working in the kitchen doing sanitation. Its a lot of work, and I kinda appreciate how hard it is to feed over 1500 people 3 times a day.
It's taking my mind off of all this bullshit, and the last 3 months of being in here. 91 days till I leave for the halfway house (no, I JUST DID the math, I haven't been counting lol)

Last week, the judge agreed with the prosecutor that the charge still stands. It's ridiculous, it is what it is. Because it's an ongoing thing, though, I will be keeping details hush hush for the most part.

Yesterday we did something different with pushups.
Start with 10.
Then we did 2x2x2; 2 pushups, 2 second pushup plank, 2 pushups.
Then 3x3x3; 3 pushups, 3 second plank, 3 pushups, 3 second plank, 3 pushups
4x4x4; 4 pushups, 4 second plank, 4 pushups, 4 second plank, etc.
All the way to 10.
Then 2 more sets of 100.
Good routine, I told our driver I was a fan, and we pretty much did the same thing today.
100 burpees, and the whole routine up with Mike Tysons instead.

aint got much else to update. Trying to eat right and drop this 20lbs of fat before I leave.
Love yall. Miss yall.

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1.7k 0 10 19 50

Vlad the INHALER

1.9k 0 28 25 92
Показано 20 последних публикаций.