Disco shark

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

turn it up it's your favourite song, dance dance dance to the disco shark.
gorillaz, serkeii chips, dostoyevsky.

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
не указан, не указан
не указана
Фильтр публикаций

اونی که میگف تو خارج زن کالا و ابزارِ جنسیه ولی اینجا نه، یه سر به کانالِ خانومای قرری نزده.

God loves his children, yeah.

God loves his children

The panic, the vomit (From a great height)

The panic, the vomit (From a great height)

That's it, sir, you're leaving (Rain down)
The crackle of pigskin (Rain down)
The dust and the screaming (Come on, rain down)
The yuppies networking (On me)

From a great height
From a great height, height

Come on, rain down on me

Rain down, rain down

Ambition makes you look pretty ugly
Kicking, squealing, Gucci little piggy

With your opinion which is of no consequence at all

When I am king, you will be first against the wall

What's that?
(I may be paranoid, but not an android)

From all the unborn chicken voices in my head

(mom PLEASE stop the hamed homayoun noises for the love of god)

Please, could you stop the noise? I'm trying to get some rest

میخوام با لیریکاش بگام.

چرا گزارش لحظه ای میدم؟:|

فک کنم گرمازده شدم.

[ولوم آهنگ کیم را تا آخر بلند میکند تا جایی که گوش هایش جر بخورند]

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