Motion of energy

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
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Канал про то, как намайнить энергии для жизни. Теперь и на английском. Проверка методики блоггинга на языке от Владимира Скендерова.

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
не указан, не указан
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Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: HabitLab Катерина Акулич
Лучшие посты канала HabitLab за осень 2019

▪️ ⏰ Как я помогла клиенту научиться ложиться спать в 02:00 и вставать в 10:00, и почему это круто
Кейс-стади про эксперименты с режимом дня

▪️ 🗡 Привычки и жертвоприношения
Как не до конца прояснённая мотивация мешает нам внедрять полезные привычки

▪️ 🥑 Как Google помогает своим сотрудникам здоровее питаться
Что я заметила в офисе Google в Цюрихе, и какие идеи мы можем из этого почерпнуть для организации пространства у себя дома

▪️ 🏋️‍♀️‍ Как организована моя привычка заниматься силовыми 3 раза в неделю
Рассказываю и показываю (5-минутное видео), на чём держится моя привычка регулярно заниматься спортом вопреки нашей с ним (со спортом) взаимной нелюбви

▪️ 💪 Нужна ли на самом деле сила воли для изменения привычек?
На этот вопрос отвечает профессор Wendy Wood, одна из ведущих мировых экспертов по психологии привычек. Привожу здесь краткий пересказ и перевод на русский язык её текста.


Good article about sleeping, habits. I discovered 2 new things. TV shows before sleeping are good. Try to watch documentaries such as "Earth ...", about nature. 2nd You shouldn't pay your "sleeping debt" on weekends because it destroys 5 day habit every week. I will practice this weekends.

Amasing video about passion "passion is not good fleeting feeling" , "it means to struggle to see the results". Later I put three questions from this video about "How to figure out..."

I've heard a new thought that "debt is a spiritual poison. My November start with zero debt on credit cards and spending only through debit card. It is interesting new feeling for me.

My morning rituals. English: I listen audiobook every morning when I am on the way to the work. I can change the audiobook to English podcasts. My favourite podcasts are theminimalists, NPR political, Redskins talk. Also I started to listen two podcasts in English made by Russians: Natalia Tokar and Gregor mustreader. I divide my way to the work to 2 segments: public transport, walking. It's very comfortable to me and replaced morning gym

I am grateful to Amazon team and their Kindle application. I figured out a few new features today. "Notes". I am reading non fiction book in English and fixing new words in "Notes". I don't ever need external dictionary. If the book contains words that are repeated further I can open this section and review.

Today I received the comment from one girl Stefani. She said that I wrote my reply incorrectly (grammar rules) with words (just saying). A couple of weeks ago I would be offended. But today I just said: "Perfectionism kills us"

Today in English
1. One Post in Twitter
2. One appreciation to the book writer
3. Several phrases added to the vocabulary.
4. One audiobook was finished and one was started.
5. One comment on Facebook.

I am reading the book "factfullness" now. It is an interesting fact : "These are highly educated people who take an interest in the world. But most of them—a stunning majority of them—get most of the answers wrong." Writer suggest a test about trends in the world. We are influenced by some world views. And they are not reflect the realities.

We have two channels of moving information. INPUT and OUTPUT. And two types of vocabulary. PASSIVE and ACTIVE. Passive vocabulary we create through input - Reading and listening. Now we have many technical features to help understanding through input. Only one difficult if you have a real time communication. But you have couple magic phrases:
1. Could you please repeat that
2. Please speak more slowly

Other channel of our communication - OUTPUT. It consists of Writing and Speaking. It is based on Active vocabulary, especially SPEAKING. I've started to review my active vocabulary. How many phrases, words do you know which you're using every day. I'm looking for collection tools.

If you are a shy guy the writing is a most comfortable to you than speaking. If you are speak a little in your own language therefore you can't speak more on the second language. Your tool is writing. Check it on yourself!

I found the great resource ( where you can impove you INPUT. Input through reading. You can choose different levels and formats to download. I prefer MOBI because I can send to the Kindle cloud and read in Kindle application. The main function in kindle application built-in Oxford monolingual dictionary. You just highlite the word and receive a pop-up window with a description. Something like that. (see the picture above) Writing the post about it -is OUTPUT skill.

I really start to understand principles of early morning actions. Today morning I have heard the audiobook from Storytell service. Language of this book is English. Title is "What the most successful people do before breakfast". The main idea - "First of all I pay for myself". It's like receiving the wages. You can't create your own capital if you'll pay the bills before paying yourself. Morning actions before the breakfast is good way. My morning actions today:
1. Preparing for certification
2. Searching new ways of learning English. I found the way how to merge this effort with my desire to be a data-science specialist.
3. Writing the post in English.

Today morning I was listening audiobook about modern world. This book "Urban Express" was written by Kjell Nordstrom and 2nd author. The main point in 1st part of book about the success of Scandinavian countries. These countries and also rich European countries such as Netherlands, Germany make big investments to the green economy. Recycling, renewable energy. Also they get rid of workplace hazards. This harmful production is located in the South-East countries and Latin America. They are cleaning their territory but we all live on one planet. And the well-being on one territory is provided by poor countries. Also these poor countries can't restrict carbon emissions and these emissions affect to the climate in the world. Now you can see the weather in Europe. Extremely hot, affect to the Greenland's ice-sheet. Attempting to isolate from this impact could create idea that we can't to separate world to rich and poor regions. Individualism has a limits. Boundless thirst for profit are destroying the planet. You can be individual, but if you don't have the area to escape you will start think about it.

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