Репост из: I:VENUE.
˖࣪ · ࣪ Ꮺ ·: — 𝓒onveyances fugacious by at eventide regulate their wheels on the asphalt, the ballot of honking cabriolet horns straggle throughout the metropolis. There’re no indications of capitulate, red enlightenments that can't cease changing enlightenments excite the patience of eventide coxswains. Elevated edifices arise to substitute the weald in the messial of the metropolis. Impenetrate the monsoon that some folks adore or some don't adore it, summer. It commence at eventide which began to heat up because the conveyances didn’t budge abandoning the traffic lights that constantly immediately changed employments with distinct colors. Several damsel were discern at the commotion created by the conveyances beneath the highway. Luxuriating the conveyance’s noise horns is unusual. But what, if that’s their fondness portion. Damsels who’re disparate and favor huddles. It can likewise be thru a lunatic affluence touch that has been obtained and coveting huddles not serenity at eventide. Simultaneously enlivening summer with the up—to—date designs, glitter bijouterie kits coruscate thru the scenery. Dissemination the pungent fragrance throughout the metropolis so you can savor this irresistible eventide. The huddles that often occur, even the serenity never arrive, that's the damsels wish who favour huddles which’s constantly granted. In individuals the damsels have indicate their pretentious personality to sight at. Scintillating equal stars scattered in the atmosphere, extremely bewitching. ࣪ও
˖࣪ · ࣪ ✽ ·: — 𝓢o to enliven the release of the our girls 3rd single album “𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞”, let's say their name’s 𝐈𝐕𝐄. Which has released a new single today. We provide twibbon that has been designed as much as possible, bit.ly/AFTERLIKE. We’re doing a substantial project for the jubilation the 𝐈𝐕𝐄’s comeback with “𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞” single this time, we build upon you guys can engage this project. In addition to wielding twibbon, we also persuade you to use the hashtag, #𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞. If you’ve something to tell us, don't hesitate to contact us at @lvenueBot. As for the credits that will be listed, namely @EtoileDechue, we gratitude for being willing to help. And we also gratefulness to our correlations who have faithfully supported and collaborated in this twibbon project, we’re grateful to, @lvery @IHaveIvez @IveGlory @Chariesty @WonyClub @Wonerie @Borealiz @LeeseoCamp @FlawRei @YujinCenter. ࣪ও
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