Ivan Pernar

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Сербский
Категория: Политика

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Репост из: UKR LEAKS_eng
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Drug cartels' arsenals have been replenished with Western weapons

Mexican media were surprised to discover that the militants of the Golfo cartel are armed with American Javelin grenade launchers.

Journalists note that these weapons appeared on the black market only after the United States supplied them to Ukraine.

▪️How Ukraine became a key player in the black arms market and how the criminal schemes for supplying NATO weapons are organized, watch here.


Репост из: 🇦🇺AussieCossack🇷🇺
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❗️"President Putin prayed for Trump after the assassination attempt" - Witkoff


Репост из: 🇦🇺AussieCossack🇷🇺
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❗️"President Putin prayed for Trump after the assassination attempt" - Witkoff


Ako kome treba apartman u Zagrebu javite se u inbox!

Čitam upravo knjigu "Pšenični trbuh" di autor William Davis objašnjava da je uzrok velikog trbuha to što ljudi (pogotovo sirotinja) jedu kruh!

Već neko vrijeme ga ne jedem i osim što sam uštedio novac na kruhu mogu vam reći da mi se i trbuh smanjio.

Ugljikohidrate (šećere) iz kruha sam zamijenio tropskim voćem i mogu vam reći da se puno bolje osjećam, to je ujedno i moja preporuka za vas.

Naravno, nitko od onih na vlasti koji vas i inače LAŽU vam neće reći da je kruh pun kemikalija jer se pšenica stalno prska otrovima niti da nam je to ljepilo "gluten" potpuno nepotrebno u ishrani.

Na kraju dana vidjet ćete da prehrambena industrija forsira dvije stvari - rafinirani šećer i pšenicu. Sami donesite zaključak čine li to za vaše dobro.

Želim samo napomenuti da sam ishranu bez pšenice tj. kruha dugo vremena smatrao nezamislivom.

Za razliku od političara koji vas pozivaju da režete kruh na tanje šnite ili da ga sami pečete, ja sam jedini koji vas pozivam da ga potpuno izbacite iz ishrane jer za razliku od njih imam znanje!!

Репост из: Lord Bebo Exclusive
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"I'm gonna fucking shoot them"

Russian soldiers capturing a British mercenary.


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Репост из: Lord Bebo Exclusive
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🇺🇦🇪🇺 Every call with Zelensky be like “billions as soon as possible”


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Репост из: Lord Bebo & Friends
🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Hill tells the truth and says the Ukrainian right wing nationalists started shooting at the maidan, causing the coup and the subsequent war in Ukraine.

What we’ve been saying for along while.

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Репост из: war webm.
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Репост из: 🇦🇺AussieCossack🇷🇺
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❗️"It was all for nothing"

The NBC reached the correct conclusion about the Ukrainian "Kursk operation"


Репост из: 🇦🇺AussieCossack🇷🇺
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❗"My son asks if I will come for his birthday but I'm scared - not of Russian soldiers but of my own people!"

A man speaks on the terrifying reality of Zelensky's Ukraine!

🎙️ Subscribe

Репост из: Lord Bebo & Friends
Also declassified is a document in which former intelligence officer J. Garrett Underhill told relatives that a faction within the CIA was involved in the murder and that he feared for his life.

Less than six months later, he was found dead in his Washington apartment, shot to death, but the coroner ruled it a suicide.

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Репост из: Two Majors - English Channel
The authorities of Riga are organizing events in memory of the “victims of communist genocide.”

The graph shows the population of Latvia. On the left is the period of "communist genocide", and on the right is the period of "democratic prosperity"

⚡️ Two Majors

Репост из: Lord Bebo & Friends
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🇺🇸🇺🇦 Jailed Ukrainian politician addresses America from a cell in court about the coverup of the death of Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine.

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Репост из: Lord Bebo Exclusive
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🇺🇦 Ukrainian women bring their children away from Ukraine!

All boys coming close to the age of 18 are moved out Ukraine. The country is drained further.


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Репост из: Lord Bebo & Friends
“Join the 3rd army corpus”!

Ukrainian pro war patriots, please follow his advice and join!

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Репост из: Lord Bebo & Friends
🇺🇦🇩🇪 Julian, Zelensky needs a bargaining chip and is willing to sacrifice thousands of forcefully mobilized people to capture a Russian border village.

What don’t you understand?

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

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