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If Parachurch people actually talk about the attack in Waukesha, we will be told that this is not about race because we are sinners.

Considering the events of the last week, we ought to remember our Lutheran brothers in Wisconsin.

I checked Twitter. TGC responded to the racial attack in Waukesha with Advent resources and something about Wendell Berry.

The racial attack in Waukesha brings up something about the meaning of Christmas. They slayer attacked a Christmas parade because he knew, instinctively, to connect it with Middle America,

So while Christianity is all over the world, the Christmas event is very much a product of the Western tradition.

As a Presbyterians with no calendar, we should have no religious desire to keep Christmas. (I now pause while my tiny readership gets even tinier). But there is still something about the Yuletide event that is part of our civilization and is something to maintain.

The trouble is that keeping Christmas merely as a secular holiday confuses people. But we do it with Thanksgiving, a Calvinist celebration, every year.

Christian Focus, Scotland's answer to P&R Books, is now publishing pop theology books by women, for women.

This was on the FCC twitter feed and I'm confused. Isn't the grave an enemy defeated by Christ and not a "peaceful bosom." Was Buchanan thinking of Abraham's bosom or heaven and not really the grave? The phraseology seems odd.

How villiage atheists think conservative Christians live.

Репост из: Communism Kills
Nearly a decade later, and David French is as wrong as ever.

Interesting look at what the handful of PCA conservatives think about. Why care about Mark Driscoll?

My question is that if they are still in the PCA, there needs to be a good reason. "My church is not that bad" is not one of them. That this bingo card exists shows a certain kind of cynicism that can lead to apathy and word-weariness.

Also, I have never had a discussion of the 1689 LBC, Quia subscription, RUF, Hodge's WCF Commentary, GA minutes, or the yrr fad from 20 years ago. Who are these people?

R2K is that Christian morality, including the entire first table, only apply to the faith sphere. Since the Mosaic Law was a Covenant of Works, it follows that any attempt to make a society explicitly Christian is also a CoW.

What rules instead is Natural Law, which is basically the worldview of whatever political faction one subscribes to. The implication is that if we all support pluralism, the people in charge will play along and throw us all to the lions.

Part of it is an overreaction to Evangelicalism and the rest is love of some secular ideal of politics. They are confused about relationship between Christian morality and natural law, thinking that the latter is neutral and safe. They also refer to early Reformation political theory (including some of Calvin) where the Christian is supposed to passively obey the magistrate.

Also, take the covenant talk and replace "Natural Law" with common grace and R2K looks a lot like Dutch neocalvinism. Look at this. It won a bunch of book awards. Horton wrote the forward. The writing is above-average. And, as a Lutheran, the author does not have the experimental option of assurance by works over his congregation's heads.

We're cannibalizing our religion in the name of soft skills and heart piety. Can we have some time where we talk about something besides our feelings?

Therapy is a trillion dollar industry and focusing on the heart forces ministers to compete in a zero sum game with everyone from yoga teachers to Big Pharma. Not only is it oversaturated, it reeks of man-made tradition, Where is all this cure of souls stuff in scripture and where are pastors called to do it?

It is really easy to talk about the heart when your job isn't being shipped to China, your kid isn't being taught to love the rainbow, and your denomination isn't going liberal.

I'm sure the author would be offended by my comparison, if he cards what I thought. The dirty little secret is that we are all terrible sinners and our souls aren't necessarily going to be cured in this life. The same goes for our social condition and physical suffering.

So beyond a certain point of necessary self-examination, focusing on the inner man is counterproductive. As a Lutheran, the author should already know this,

If I ever built a seminary, I would d have a survey course on modern and liberal theology going from Schleiermacher to the Germans to the Neo-orthodox to the woke. Make them read and critique them. It not only strengthen them but weed out the heterodox.

I would also throw in Spinoza and rabbinical attacks on the NT. These ideas do not show up in churches necessarily in their formal form, but they filter down to the laity.

I was just talking to my wife about this very thing. I'm not sure what NAPARC actually does. It once included the liberal CRC. It still includes the PCA, the fundamentalist FRCNA (Paisleyites) and the IMHO neonomian CanRC (Liberated movement).

Is it working toward a unified American Reformed orthodoxy?

Does it do anything to restrain liberalism, social gospel, and broad evangelicalism?

Am I expected to say that all NAPARC members are true churches?

Why are there so many Reformed denominations not represented (BPC, FCC, NRC, PRCA, RPCGA, RPCUS, Vanguard, Evangel, Hanover)?

If the PCA is "Reformed," why not other loose-but-not-totally-modernist groups like the EPC, CCCC, ECO and the Presbyterian Laymen wing of the PC(USA)?

If CanRC, is acceptable, why not the CREC, which has an authoritarian church government but much the same theology?

In short, not only am I confused about the purpose of NAPARC, I don't understand the membership list.

Interesting that the % of Catholics is falling with generations and so is "other faiths."

That's not going to happen. The bar to collecting damages is very high.

People are calling for Kyle to sue everyone into oblivion, including TGC

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