He Ignores Your Immunity
Quick one for y'all today. In my Pathfinder 1e game, I play a warpriest worshipping a chaos deity. During an exceptionally difficult fight, I cast invoke deity, a 6th level spell that allows you to gain powers based on one of your deity's domains.
Invoke Deity, Chaos, makes you immune to critical hits and precision damage (sneak attack, etc.) for 10 min/lv. I cast it on myself, heal up via warpriest's fervor casting ability (burn points from a pool to cast a personal range spell as a swift), and throw myself back into the fray.
First enemy to attack me rolls 3 crits, I remind the DM that I am immune to crits via the spell, to which he replies, "Oh yeah, but they have a class feature that let's them ignore your immunity, and that's enough damage to drop you." We were fighting a 16th level cavalier, which after looking at the class, does not have that ability.
This is the second time he has used this excuse on a random enemy we fought in order to hit my character hard with multiple critical. I put this here because, as far as I'm aware, RAW theres no way to ignore immunities, and I know for certain when I fight a construct with immunity to crits, I've never been able to ignore that.
Edit: added context.
Quick one for y'all today. In my Pathfinder 1e game, I play a warpriest worshipping a chaos deity. During an exceptionally difficult fight, I cast invoke deity, a 6th level spell that allows you to gain powers based on one of your deity's domains.
Invoke Deity, Chaos, makes you immune to critical hits and precision damage (sneak attack, etc.) for 10 min/lv. I cast it on myself, heal up via warpriest's fervor casting ability (burn points from a pool to cast a personal range spell as a swift), and throw myself back into the fray.
First enemy to attack me rolls 3 crits, I remind the DM that I am immune to crits via the spell, to which he replies, "Oh yeah, but they have a class feature that let's them ignore your immunity, and that's enough damage to drop you." We were fighting a 16th level cavalier, which after looking at the class, does not have that ability.
This is the second time he has used this excuse on a random enemy we fought in order to hit my character hard with multiple critical. I put this here because, as far as I'm aware, RAW theres no way to ignore immunities, and I know for certain when I fight a construct with immunity to crits, I've never been able to ignore that.
Edit: added context.