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Usenet-ing on rented equipment from ISP

We’re moving to a new state pretty soon here. I’ve used a modem I purchased for my entire life out of paranoia that I might compromise my Usenet downloading situation by giving up that control. It looks like in our new area, if I want fiber and unlimited data, I’m restricted to using the hardware provided by the ISP in our area or pay significantly more per month for the “luxury” of using my own hardware.

I wanted to gauge others’ experiences here with downloading from Usenet on ISP-provided hardware and what reservations they might have that I may or may not have considered yet. Do you feel like you’d have to operate even more carefully? How would this affect your behavior on Usenet?



Does eweka have more than one server address?

I only see news.eweka.nl but I’m wondering if they have additional servers I should be using in tandem with that one? I have 50 connections, and I read that it’s best to spread them out across multiple servers.


MaximumUsenet, has it been abandoned?

Not sure how many people use this provider, but i ended up buying a few blocks ages ago because they were on a different backbone before being assimilated by /u/greglyda

These are the issues:

1. Unable to login to my account, returns a "Answer the Math Expression Correctly!"
2. Unable to reset password, returns a "Answer the Math Expression Correctly"
3. From the help desk portal page -> Sign in -> returns a page with no fields
4. Unable to check existing tickets from the help desk portal, just returns a blank page
5. Sent an email to support @ maximumusenet.com, no response
6. Logged a ticket over +1 year ago advising them the system wouldn't allow me to change my default password ... was told the issue had been escalated to their dev team, never heard back so can only assume that never got fixed either

I guess this also serves as a PSA to go with NGD, UsenetExpress or NewsDemon instead as they're all pretty much the same now anyway but with actual support... but I'd still like to make use of the blocks i already paid for.


Good starting off guide

Hey guys, feel like a total noob here again. Used to have so this stuff dialed in back in the day with sickbeard and couch potato and stuff but kind of stopped keeping up with all the media. Looking to get re-established and don’t know where to start. Does anyone have a good one stop place where to start for a general setup. A good vídeo or setup guide?


Provider pairings for Eweka?

I've taken the opportunity in the holidays to spend some effort fixing my usenet subs.

Previously (going back 5+ years), i used usenet.net on its own, and at some point i added usenet.farm as a block account, topped up occasionally. Various reasons meant i'd kinda fallen out of using them and on the odd occasion i did try, it almost always failed.

So today after reading about the subreddit, i've signed up for Eweka using the cheap deal linked in the sidebar. My usenet.farm block account still has a while to run and is paid for so i might as well leave that on for now. The question is what i do going forwards. I will probably ditch usenet.net as its not particularly cheap (its just on a rolling monthly payment currently). But what do i replace it with?

Is usenet.farm block a sensible pairing? Or is theres something better (cheaper/more available) to use as a secondary account?



NZBget backup servers never used

I have my main server set with Server1.Level = 0 and my block account backup server set with Server2.Level = 1. However whenever something fails on my main server it never tries the backup server. If I disable my main server, set my backup server to level 0, and process the download again then it will usually complete successfully.

From reading the description, I thought that if something failed for a Level 0 server, it would then continue and try with a Level 1 server. I guess I am mis-understanding the text description. How should I be setting it up that the block account will only ever get used when the main account fails?


Thundernews connection issues

Getting: Authorization for Thundernews (secure.eu.thundernews.com) failed: 502 Connection failure. Please contact technical support.

Is anyone else currently having this issue with Thundernews?


Is this legit?

i received an email today that the client portal for XSUsenet will be decommissioned 01/01/2022. The email wants to activate a new account using XSUsenet B. V.

I am always leery of blindly clicking on links i receive in an email. Does anyone have any knowledge whether this is legitimate? Thanks for your help.


Any good indexers for music/audio creation/production software and plugins?

E.g. DAWs, plugins, sample content.

Have Geek and Slug but most content is old.


How to request Movies on Drunken Slug

Hey guys, pretty new to usenet as a whole. I was wanting to know if there was a simple way to request certain films in a particular quality. Currently i'm using drunken slug. If that's not an option I guess I just need to branch out to other indexers? Specifically looking to build out a catalog of favorite films in UHD if possible. Specifically looking for older films from the 90s and 2000s Thanks for any help.


Odd newsgroup speeds since moving to Windows 11(fresh installation)

I am going out of my damn mind with this. I have plenty of experience with networking and computers, so this is driving me nuts. I have all settings exactly the same from W10 to W11 for my usenet. I have searched for people having issues with this and only thing I could find is some intel adapter issues back in September that were fixed with a patch in October that I have installed(was optional before, but now isn't). I thought I would start here, since some here may have upgraded and MAYBE ran into this and it is an obvious fix I haven't thought of.

Images showing issue and my settings: https://imgur.com/a/b48BaUC

I use SABnzbd with two servers setup: Newshosting and Usenet.farm(one for a backup incase something was removed on main, but it is rarely used since newshosting is priority 0)
Asus Strix 490-e Gaming for the onboard network adapter with both W10 and W11 drivers tested
450Mbps hardwired internet connection(normally sits about 55 MB/s or above, I cap most things at 50MB/s to leave some overhead for normal work/browsing)
Running from cable modem to Eero 6 to switch to PC on new Cat6e cables (have bypassed both the eero and switch to make sure, but nothing physical changed from the W10 to W11 update, so doubt wiring is an issue) Eero 6 is used for mesh setup and also to manage the network. Wife needs "hardwired" in her office, and eero 6 counts as hardwired using one of the hubs there. Again, no issues on W10 setup like this, so it isn't the best setup but worked before.
What I have tried so far in order of obvious to slightly outside the box:

Power-cycled cable modem/router/switch
Checked speeds for internet and tested it on other downloads(Steam has been capped but gamepass has always been slow for me even with all the change suggested online, I normally only get about 20 MB/s but not a huge deal and never worried about it since I don't download daily or anything)
Updated and downgraded drivers for motherboard network adapter
Replaced cables from router to switch to PC(hardwired on cat 6e)
Used both SSL ports for Newshosting and swapped connections from 5/10/50/100 to see if that was an issue. Ran 100 connections before moving to W11. That is the total connections allowed/recommended by newshosting.com.

This is driving me nuts, because I have never had an issue last this long without finding my duh moment. Any suggestions or help would be GREATLY appreciated. It doesn't make it impossible to use, but having the slower speeds annoys me when it wasn't like that before.


What's wrong with Eweka?

I haven't used Usenet for years but its time to come back.

I am looking for recent software and movies (recent and XXX)

I am from the EU and Eweka was always the best. Together with Spotnet.

Spotnet seems dead, so i need an EU based indexer. NL language preferably. I cannot find it myself, so who can give me some good hints?


Is Dognzb worth it? price is so high

Just got access to Dognzb, and was pretty excited to finally sign up until I saw the price. After adding t-shirt to cart, a year of Dog is $37, which is more than I paid for a year of newshosting (i know i know, im switching to Eweka when that runs out), and is significantly higher than my other three providers, Geek slug and planet. Ive also read on this reddit users having issues in the past of Dog shutting down and coming back up but deleting peoples subscriptions, including lifetime ones, and i would be pretty irate if that happened to me. My question is whether or not you guys feel like the price is justified, given the three providers I already have, and if so, whats so great about it that I dont already get from my current indexers.


Usenetfire Christmas Block Special 4TB ~ $30

Merry Christmas to all... and to all a goodnight.

Order Now: [https://usenetfire.com/signup/62](https://usenetfire.com/signup/62)

**The Low Down:**

* 3000+ Days Retention
* Servers both US & EU available in your dashboard on signup!
* SSL Secured connections with zero logging
* Backbone: UsenetExpress
* Takedown Policy: DMCA
* Blocks do not expire
* Latest TLS 1.2 & 1.3 enabled

ps. we are still getting caught up on tickets


Performance tuning for NZBGet on Docker Raspi4

Hey, all. If anyone has good performance from their RaspberryPi4 Docker deployment and would be willing to share their appropriately-redacted ‘nzbget.conf’, I’d appreciate it. I can’t tell if my download speeds are due to inefficient confit or just a low-power computer. I have several containers running on this node, but ample headroom for NZBGet to demand more as needed.

Edit: s/confit/config. Although a confit and a raspberry pie seem like a nice meal.


One more "How is my setup?" question

I have been using usenet for the last few years, I pretty much have my sonarr/radarr in a set it and forget it state. However I have not evaluated my providers in some time. My indexers cost me next to nothing so I am good with the 4 that I have - DOGnzb, DrunkenSlug, NZBGeek, and nzbplanet. My providers on the other hand may need to be adjusted. I recall hearing that NewsDemon was going to become their own backbone/provider last year, but it looks like they are now resellers of UsenetExpress

I currently have NewsDemon, UsenetExpress, and Eweka. Should I drop NewsDemon or UsenetExpress for XSNews or any other provider?


UsenetPrime - Christmas Specials | $25 yearly unlimited | 4TB block for $30 | 6 months unlimited for $15

reseller of UsenetExpress
50ssl connections
US and EU server locations
up to 3000 days retention

Merry Christmas everyone. Thank you all for the support and here’s to a safe and Happy New Year!

Deals will expire on New Year’s Day

UsenetPrime Christmas Specials


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