Odd newsgroup speeds since moving to Windows 11(fresh installation)
I am going out of my damn mind with this. I have plenty of experience with networking and computers, so this is driving me nuts. I have all settings exactly the same from W10 to W11 for my usenet. I have searched for people having issues with this and only thing I could find is some intel adapter issues back in September that were fixed with a patch in October that I have installed(was optional before, but now isn't). I thought I would start here, since some here may have upgraded and MAYBE ran into this and it is an obvious fix I haven't thought of.
Images showing issue and my settings:
https://imgur.com/a/b48BaUC Setup:
I use SABnzbd with two servers setup: Newshosting and Usenet.farm(one for a backup incase something was removed on main, but it is rarely used since newshosting is priority 0)
Asus Strix 490-e Gaming for the onboard network adapter with both W10 and W11 drivers tested
450Mbps hardwired internet connection(normally sits about 55 MB/s or above, I cap most things at 50MB/s to leave some overhead for normal work/browsing)
Running from cable modem to Eero 6 to switch to PC on new Cat6e cables (have bypassed both the eero and switch to make sure, but nothing physical changed from the W10 to W11 update, so doubt wiring is an issue) Eero 6 is used for mesh setup and also to manage the network. Wife needs "hardwired" in her office, and eero 6 counts as hardwired using one of the hubs there. Again, no issues on W10 setup like this, so it isn't the best setup but worked before.
What I have tried so far in order of obvious to slightly outside the box:
Power-cycled cable modem/router/switch
Checked speeds for internet and tested it on other downloads(Steam has been capped but gamepass has always been slow for me even with all the change suggested online, I normally only get about 20 MB/s but not a huge deal and never worried about it since I don't download daily or anything)
Updated and downgraded drivers for motherboard network adapter
Replaced cables from router to switch to PC(hardwired on cat 6e)
Used both SSL ports for Newshosting and swapped connections from 5/10/50/100 to see if that was an issue. Ran 100 connections before moving to W11. That is the total connections allowed/recommended by
This is driving me nuts, because I have never had an issue last this long without finding my duh moment. Any suggestions or help would be GREATLY appreciated. It doesn't make it impossible to use, but having the slower speeds annoys me when it wasn't like that before.